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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 8 | Saxifragaceae | Saxifraga

5. Saxifraga sect. Mesogyne Sternberg, Revis. Saxifrag. Suppl. 2: 29. 1831.

球茎组 qiu jing zu

Herbs perennial, forming erect individuals, with bulbils present in axils of at least basal leaves. Leaves alternate, petiolate; leaf blade herbaceous, lacking chalk glands and crystals, margin toothed or lobed. Flowering stem leafy; inflorescence cymose. Flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, 5-merous. Petals white, rarely reddish, not callose. Filaments subulate to linear; pollen 2-nucleate, exine tectum coarsely striate. Carpels connate for most of placental region, dehiscing distally in fruit; ovary subsuperior. Integuments 2.

About eight species: Asia, Europe, North America, mainly in arctic and montane regions; three species in China.

1 Bulbils restricted to rhizome, none present in axils of cauline leaves or bracts   188 S. sibirica
+ Bulbils present in axils of cauline leaves and/or bracts.   (2)
2 (1) Bulbils present in axils of cauline leaves only, not replacing flowers   189 S. granulifera
+ Bulbils present in axils of cauline leaves and (where replacing flowers) bracts   190 S. cernua

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