2. Camellia subg. Camellia
山茶亚属 shan cha ya shu
Flowers axillary, solitary or sometimes to 3 in a cluster, apparently sessile, actually with a short stout pedicel completely covered by bracteoles and sepals at anthesis. Bracteoles following closely by and undifferentiated from sepals, caducous. Sepals caducous or persistent in young fruit, crustaceous, margin membranous.
About 44 species: Bhutan, Cambodia, China, NE India, Indonesia, S Japan, S Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam; 39 species (31 endemic) in China.
Camellia sect. Calpandria (Blume) Pierre (Calpandria Blume) is an additional section in C. subg. Camellia, with C. lanceolata (Blume) Seemann in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines and C. connata (Craib) Craib in Thailand (Ming, Monogr. Gen. Camellia, 1-352. 2000).