14. Acer sect. Negundo (Boehmer) Maximowicz, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg. 26: 450. 1880.
复叶枫组 fu ye feng zu
Negundo Boehmer in Ludwig, Def. Gen. Pl., ed. 3, 508. 1760.
Trees or shrubs, deciduous, dioecious. Leaves compound, trifoliolate or pinnate, 5-7-foliolate, margins of leaflets entire to dentate. Bud scales 2- or 3-paired. Inflorescences racemose or compound racemose, axillary from leafless buds or accompanied by 1 or 2 pairs of small leaves. Flowers 4-merous. Stamens 4-6, absent in pistillate flowers. Disk absent or small. Nutlets veined; parthenocarpic tendency strong.
Three species: E Asia, North America; two species (one endemic, one introduced) in China.
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Staminate and pistillate flowers in pendulous racemes, from leafless branchlets; leaves 3-foliolate. |
98 A. henryi |
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Pistillate flowers in pendulous racemes; staminate flowers usually in clusters of 4; leaves pinnately 7-9-foliolate. |
99 A. negundo |
Lower Taxa
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