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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Papaveraceae | Corydalis

20. Corydalis sect. Radicosae (Lidén) Lidén, Fl. China. 7: 341. 2008.

雏波黄堇组 chu bo huang jin zu

Basionym: Corydalis subsect. Radicosae Lidén, Rheedea 1: 32. 1991 ["Radicosa"].

Herbs, perennial, with underground elongate cylindric rootstock, with few to several annual stems that branch at soil surface. Stems branched, leafy. Leaves repeatedly ternately or pinnately compound. Flowers yellow. Stigma with 4 or 6 papillae, all simple; basal papillae lacking.

Five species: Bhutan, China, NE India, E Nepal; four species (one endemic) in China.

Corydalis drepanantha D. G. Long (Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 42: 101. 1984), from Bhutan and NE India, might occur in S Xizang.

1 Ultimate leaf lobes flabellate [or narrowly lanceolate]; bracts deeply divided into narrow segments   (2)
+ Ultimate leaf lobes obovate-obtuse; upper bracts entire (S Xizang)   (3)
2 (2) Leaf lobes lanceolate; fruit obovoid. ..... C. drepanantha (see note above)   (2)
+ Leaf lobes flabellate; fruit oblong.   121 C. pseudotongolensis
3 (1) Inner petals tipped with dark purple; fruit narrowly obovoid; stigma with 4 papillae, all apical.   122 C. diffusa
+ Inner petals pale; fruit oblong to linear; stigma with 6 papillae   (4)
4 (3) Crest of upper petal ± sinuate; spur equaling or longer than limb.   123 C. crispa
+ Crest of upper petal broad, entire, truncate at apex; spur shorter than limb.   124 C. cavei

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