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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Papaveraceae | Corydalis

18. Corydalis sect. Davidianae C. Y. Wu & H. Chuang, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 12: 279. 1990.

南黄堇组 nan huang jin zu

Herbs, perennial, erect to diffuse or climbing. Rootstock short, with very dense cluster of long wiry roots that often turn black on drying. Cauline leaves several, much divided. Accessory branches common in axils of upper leaves. Bracts small, usually entire. Pedicel short, recurved in fruit. Corolla yellow, usually with long straight or upturned spur. Capsule explosively dehiscent.

Fourteen species: Bhutan, China, India (Sikkim), N Myanmar; 14 species (seven endemic) in China.

Species nos. 96-104 have a peculiar stigma form, with sublateral/subapical geminate papillae supported by oblique vascular bundles; apical papillae stipitate, basal part of stigma usually with pronounced rounded lobes that are usually devoid of papillae; and style firm all the way into stigma.

This section has a center of variation in the mountains between Yunnan and Myanmar, with many local forms. This treatment is provisional.

1 Limb of outer petals broad, dentate; upper petal with short broad dentate crest not reaching apex   (2)
+ Limb of outer petals not dentate; crest of upper petal, if present, entire and often reaching or exceeding apex   (3)
2 (1) Branches broadly spreading, arcuate; ultimate leaflets rounded, entire; spur curved almost in a semicircle.   102 C. liana
+ Branches straight, suberect; leaflets ternatifid to pinnatifid or deeply dentate; spur straight or slightly curved.   103 C. tenerrima
3 (1) Nectary ca. 1/2 as long as spur or shorter, sometimes very thin   (4)
+ Nectary ca. 2/3 as long as spur or longer, sometimes very thin, rarely absent   (5)
4 (3) Delicate climber; pedicels very thin, strongly deflexed at base so racemes appear "upside down"; corolla ecristate; nectary very thin (W Yunnan).   104 C. saltatoria
+ Erect, robust plant; racemes straight; pedicels not deflexed; corolla broadly crested; nectary thick (S Xizang).   95 C. laelia
5 (3) Spur usually straight; dorsal crests of inner petals not overtopping petal apex; racemes simple; stigma with apical papillae not stipitate, with median sinus absent or shallow, vasculature T-shaped, with lateral and basal geminate papillae, basal corners not prolonged, style weak immediately below stigma (C. davidii group)   (6)
+ Spur upcurved; dorsal crests of inner petals ± overtopping petal apex; racemes simple or branched; stigma with apical papillae stipitate, median sinus dividing stigma to 1/3, vasculature V-shaped, basal corners usually without papillae, usually prolonged like "earlobes," style firm all the way into stigma (C. yunnanensis group)   (9)
6 (5) Bracts 6-12 × 2-4 mm; racemes very lax.   91 C. luquanensis
+ Bracts much smaller   (7)
7 (6) Crest of outer petals ca. 1 mm wide; petioles of middle leaves basally with rounded auricles; stigma with 10 marginal papillae; racemes lax.   92 C. triternatifolia
+ Crest of outer petals less than 0.5 mm wide or absent; petioles vaginate at base, but not auriculate; stigma with 6 or 8 marginal papillae; racemes dense   (8)
8 (7) Upper petal 20-28 mm, without or with narrow crest, spur cylindric; racemes 5-15-flowered, peduncle ± equaling raceme; seeds 1.5-1.7 mm.   93 C. davidii
+ Upper petal 17-20 mm, narrowly crested; spur tapering toward apex; racemes 10-26-flowered, peduncle much shorter than raceme; seeds 0.9-1.1 mm.   94 C. longicornu
9 (5) Racemes 4-8-flowered; spur ca. 1/3 as wide as long, ca. as long as inner petals; nectary conspicuous, ca. 2/3 of spur (S Xizang).   101 C. delicatula
+ Racemes 10-25-flowered; spur narrower, usually longer than inner petals; nectary longer   (10)
10 (9) Stems 2-4 mm thick at base; racemes usually simple, not in a panicle; stigma basally truncate, apically with shortly stalked papillae.   100 C. yunnanensis
+ Stems 4-8 mm thick at base; racemes clustered, often branched; stigma with obvious basal lobes and long-stalked apical papillae   (11)
11 (10) Climber, 2-4 m; ovules ca. 15.   99 C. ampelos
+ Erect, 0.4-1.3 m; ovules 7-10   (12)
12 (11) Crest of upper petal narrow or absent, not reaching apex.   98 C. delphinioides
+ Crest of upper petal broad, overtopping apex   (13)
13 (12) Leaflets 5-13 × 4-9 mm; bracts spatulate, clearly longer than pedicels; stigma narrowed at base, with basal "auricles" clinging to style; capsule obovoid, with seeds in 2 rows.   97 C. auricilla
+ Leaflets larger; bracts linear, equaling pedicels; stigma not narrowed at base; capsule narrowly oblong, with seeds in 1 row.   96 C. pterygopetala

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