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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Araceae

6. Arisaema sect. Franchetiana (Engler) H. Hara, Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo. 2: 326. 1971.

象头花组 xiang tou hua zu

Arisaema [unranked] Franchetiana Engler, Pflanzenr. 73(IV. 23F): 148. 1920.

Tuber purple outside, globose, base of axillary buds swelling. Leaves 1 or 2; leaf blade 3-foliolate. Spadix unisexual; thecae opening by an apical pore or slit; appendix suberect or apex outwardly recurved, pyramidal or subcylindric, robust, base attenuate into a stipe.

Four species: SW China, N Myanmar; four species (three endemic) in China.

Putative intrasectional hybrids are frequently observed.

1 Spathe unfolded before leaf blade, limb shorter than tube, erect or curved forward but not galeate   (2)
+ Spathe unfolded after leaf blade, limb longer than tube, arched and pendulous   (3)
2 (1) Spathe basically white, tube thick.   41 A. candidissimum
+ Spathe basically purple, tube slender.   43 A. lichiangense
3 (1) Spathe arched and galeate, enclosing spadix appendix.   42 A. franchetianum
+ Spathe arched but not galeate, spadix appendix seen from outside.   44 A. fargesii


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