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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 23 | Araceae

3. Arisaema sect. Clavata (Engler) H. Hara, Bull. Univ. Mus. Univ. Tokyo. 2: 347. 1971.

云台南星组 yun tai nan xing zu

Arisaema [unranked] Clavata Engler, Pflanzenr. 73(IV. 23F): 171. 1920.

Underground stems tuberous, whitish inside, axillary buds with accessory buds. Phyllotaxy quincuncial, normal leaves pedate. Spadix appendix sessile, with neuter flowers in proximal part.

Six species: C China to Japan; four species (all endemic) in China.

1 Appendix narrowly fusiform, attenuate distally, slightly bent outward.   20 A. hunanense
+ Appendix cylindric, erect, apex rounded, capitate or creased   (2)
2 (1) Appendix slender, erect, apex abruptly capitate and echinate, slightly exserted from spathe tube.   21 A. clavatum
+ Appendix stout, not capitate, long exserted from spathe tube   (3)
3 (2) Appendix smooth.   18 A. silvestrii
+ Appendix twisted and creased in distal section.   19 A. ilanense


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