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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 19 | Rubiaceae

27. Fosbergia Tirvengadum & Sastre, Biogeographica (Paris). 73(2): 88. 1997.

大果茜属 da guo qian shu

Authors: Tao Chen & Charlotte M. Taylor

Trees or shrubs, unarmed; bark gray or reddish brown and scaly. Raphides absent. Leaves opposite but sometimes crowded at stem apices, often with domatia; stipules generally persistent, interpetiolar or shortly united around stem, triangular. Inflorescences terminal or displaced to pseudoaxillary, 2-7-flowered and cymose or reduced to 1 flower, pedunculate, bracteate. Flowers subsessile to pedicellate, apparently bisexual and monomorphic. Calyx limb shallowly 5-lobed. Corolla white, salverform, fleshy to leathery, inside variously pubescent; lobes 5, convolute in bud. Stamens 5, inserted in corolla throat, included; filaments short; anthers perhaps dorsifixed. Ovary 2-celled, ovules numerous in each cell on axile placentas; stigma fusiform to clavate, shallowly bilobed, partially exserted. Fruit baccate, thickly fleshy, globose to ellipsoid, smooth or infrequently ridged or tuberculate, color at maturity unknown, with calyx limb tardily deciduous; seeds numerous, medium-sized to large, broadly angled, ovoid, or compressed, embedded in pulp.

At least five species: China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam; three species (one endemic) in China.

Tirvengadum and Sastre (loc. cit.: 87-94) implied without directly stating so that the flowers are hermaphroditic, and Puff et al. (Rubiaceae of Thailand, 62. 2005) reported this condition tentatively. The pollen is reportedly "simple, 3-porate"; the ovary wall contains "crystal sands present in small clusters in mesocarp"; and the testa cells have "tube-like trabecular thickenings, [with] inner wall irregularly thickened."

1 Stems strigillose at least when young; leaves elliptic to oblong-elliptic, lanceolate-oblong, or oblanceolate, 9.5-15 × 2-4.5 cm; stipules keeled or ornamented throughout their length, with a straight median keel or sometimes a ridge and/or line of pubescence in shape of an upside-down Y; calyx margins uniform, similar in texture to rest of limb; fruit ca. 11 × 9 cm.   2 F. shweliensis
+ Stems glabrous; leaves oblanceolate to obovate or broadly obovate, 10-24 × 3.5-12 cm; stipules smooth or keeled only in upper half, glabrous in lower half; calyx margins uniform to hyaline; fruit 4-6 × 4-5 cm   (2)
2 (1) Leaves obovate to oblanceolate, with domatia in abaxial vein axils; flowers 3-5 in cymes, with developing fruit solitary; calyx limb with margins hyaline and lobes aristate.   1 F. petelotii
+ Leaves broadly obovate, without domatia; flowers solitary; calyx limb with margins uniform and lobes acute but tips not prolonged.   3 F. thailandica

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