38. Archiserratula L. Martins, Taxon. 55: 973. 2006.
滇麻花头属 dian ma hua tou shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Ludwig Martins
Serratula sect. Suffruticosae Iljin, Izv. Glavn. Bot. Sada S.S.S.R. 27: 92. 1928.
Subshrubs or perennial herbs. Stems virgately branched, foliate throughout. Leaves undivided, with reticulate resin ducts. Capitula solitary at end of branches, homogamous. Phyllaries imbricate, apex acute or apiculate. Receptacle cylindric to obconic. Florets bisexual. Stigmatic branches divergent, canaliculate. Achene ellipsoid-cylindric, smooth, glabrous, apex with a denticulate rim. Pappus elements in many rows, bristlelike, not connate into a ring, pinnate at least in their distal part.
● One species: China.
Lower Taxon
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