2. Osmolindsaea (K. U. Kramer) Lehtonen & Christenhusz, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 163: 335. 2010.
香鳞始蕨属 xiang lin shi jue shu
Authors: Shiyong Dong, Sujuan Lin, Maarten J. M. Christenhusz & Julie Barcelona
Lindsaea sect. Osmolindsaea K. U. Kramer, Blumea 15: 560. 1967.
Plants terrestrial or epilithic, evergreen. Rhizomes shortly to long creeping, solenostelic with an internal sclerified pith, densely scaly; scales appressed or spreading, reddish brown, 1-15 cells wide, nearly acicular. Fronds approximate or distant, 0.5-1 cm apart; stipe stramineous or castaneous to black, adaxially sulcate, with a single vascular bundle, glabrous; lamina once pinnate, lanceolate, gradually narrowed toward apex or terminated by a pinna similar in size to lateral ones, herbaceous, strongly scented of coumarin; pinnae subsessile, dimidiate, rhomboid or cuneate, upper margin shallowly lobed-incised or entire, incisions reaching to or slightly beyond level of sori, apices obtuse-acute, straight on upper margin; veins free, evident, not reaching margin. Sori marginal, terminal on several veinlet ends; indusia oblong, continuous or interrupted by incisions, attached at base. Spores ellipsoid, monolete.
Two (to six) species: from E Africa and Madagascar through India to Peninsular Malaysia, northeast to Japan and Korea and southeast to the Solomon Islands; two species in China.
First recognized by Kramer (Blumea 15: 560. 1967) as a section within Lindsaea, Osmolindsaea was recently elevated to a separate genus based on molecular data by Lehtonen et al. (Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 163: 305-359. 2010). Osmolindsaea, together with Nesolindsaea and Tapeinidium, was resolved to be sister to Lindsaea s.s. (Lehtonen et al., loc. cit.). The number of species that should be accepted in this genus worldwide is still uncertain, but there are two taxa in China.