1 |
Sori exindusiate; scale margin entire |
(2) |
+ |
Sori indusiate; scale margin fimbriate or entire |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Pinnae usually ca. 10 pairs (sometimes fewer); stipe and rachis sparsely clothed with black or brown-black, linear-lanceolate scales. |
6 D. scottii |
+ |
Pinnae up to 20 pairs; stipe and rachis densely clothed with dark brown or brown, broadly lanceolate scales. |
7 D. liangkwangensis |
3 (1) |
Sori in 1 or 2 rows on each side of costa |
(4) |
+ |
Sori in more than 3 rows, rarely 1 or 2 rows |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Pinna base cordate, apex rounded; stipe and rachis clothed with black, nodose setae. |
8 D. cyclopeltidiformis |
+ |
Pinna base rounded, apex acuminate; stipe and rachis without nodose setae. |
9 D. hangchowensis |
5 (3) |
Sori marginal or submarginal |
(6) |
+ |
Sori broadly distributed abaxially |
(8) |
6 (5) |
Sori marginal. |
10 D. handeliana |
+ |
Sori submarginal |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Scales on stipe black, linear-lanceolate. |
11 D. namegatae |
+ |
Scales on stipe brown or pale brown. |
12 D. dickinsii |
8 (5) |
Pinnae crenate to shallowly pinnatifid |
(9) |
+ |
Pinnae pinnatifid and basally pinnatisect |
(15) |
9 (8) |
Stipe with brown scales |
(10) |
+ |
Stipe with black or brownish black scales |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Sori close to costa, with wide sterile belt on both sides of costa distal to sori; rachis densely clothed with scales. |
18 D. pycnopteroides |
+ |
Sori medial in segments, with narrow sterile belt on both sides of costa distal to sori; rachis sparsely clothed with scales. |
19 D. subpycnopteroides |
11 (9) |
Lowest few pinnae shorter, often deflexed. |
13 D. cycadina |
+ |
Lowest pinnae not shorter or slightly shorter, not deflexed |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Pinnae 30-40 pairs, crenulate. |
17 D. stenolepis |
+ |
Pinnae ca. 20 pairs, shallowly pinnatifid |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Indusia vestigial, not covering sori; pinnae shortly stalked, herbaceous. |
16 D. commixta |
+ |
Indusia covering sori completely; pinnae sessile, papery |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Pinnae acuminate, not auriculate at pinna base. |
14 D. atrata |
+ |
Pinnae caudate, auriculate at both sides of pinna base. |
15 D. wuyishanica |
15 (8) |
Segments broadly triangular, with a cartilaginous margin; sori 5-7 pairs, arranged on both sides of costa in a V-pattern on each pinna. |
20 D. thibetica |
+ |
Segments oblong, without a cartilaginous margin; sori in 2-6 rows along pinna rachis |
(16) |
16 (15) |
Scales on rachis almost black. |
21 D. lunanensis |
+ |
Scales on rachis brown or dark brown |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Scales on stipe and rachis subulate to narrowly lanceolate. |
22 D. microlepis |
+ |
Scales on stipe and rachis lanceolate to linear |
(18) |
18 (17) |
Pinnae ca. 17 pairs. |
25 D. paralunanensis |
+ |
Pinnae 20-40 pairs |
(19) |
19 (18) |
Pinnae serrate-dentate, only lower pinnae pinnatifid; rachis sparsely scaly. |
23 D. subatrata |
+ |
Pinnae usually lobed halfway to costa; rachis densely scaly |
(20) |
20 (19) |
Lamina 50-60 ?ca. 25 cm, base truncate; pinnae ca. 20 pairs. |
24 D. pseudolunanensis |
+ |
Lamina larger than 60 ?24 cm, narrowed at base; pinnae 20-40 pairs |
(21) |
21 (20) |
Pinnae to 25 pairs; pinna lobes to 15(-20) pairs. |
26 D. jiucaipingensis |
+ |
Pinnae 30-40 pairs; pinna lobes to 25 pairs. |
27 D. conjugata |