19. Dryopteris sect. Nothoperanema (Tagawa) Li Bing Zhang, Taxon. 61: 1206. 2012.
肉刺鳞毛蕨组 rou ci lin mao jue zu
Authors: Sugong Wu, Xiang Jianying, Li-Bing Zhang & David S. Barrington
Nothoperanema (Tagawa) Ching.
Plants terrestrial, medium-sized. Rhizome stout, erect or obliquely ascending. Fronds caespitose; stipe stout, with dense scales; scales lucid, ferruginous-brown or dark brown, ovate, lanceolate or subulate above, thick, entire, apex acuminate; lamina large, ovate-triangular, tripinnate or tripinnatifid; basal pinnae largest, subtriangular, base inequilateral; basiscopic pinnule largest, extending downward, pattern of pinnule arrangement such that basal pair anadromous; upper ones ± catadromous; from second pinnae lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, base equilateral; rachis with dense narrowly lanceolate or subulate scales; scales fuscous or nearly black, spreading; costa and costule glabrous on both surfaces, raised abaxially, grooved adaxially, with short, stout setae on each side of costae and at forking position of midribs; setae consisting of 3 rows of subquadrate stereids at base, 2 rows at middle, 1 row at apex. Venation free, same as Dryopteris type, veinlets not reaching margin, a hydathodal cell terminating veinlet. Lamina herbaceous or papery when dry, brown. Sori orbicular, terminating veinlets, 1 row on both sides of costa; indusia sometimes exindusiate, brown or dark brown, orbicular-reniform, firm, entire, attached by sinus, persistent or fugacious. Spores bilateral, reniform, surface verrucose or reticulate. n = 41.
About six species: C, E, and S Africa, E, NE, and S Asia, Himalaya, Indian Ocean islands (Mascarene Islands), Madagascar, New Guinea, and Pacific islands (including Hawaiian Islands); five species (two endemic) in China.