20. Dryopteris sect. Acrophorus (C. Presl) Li Bing Zhang, Taxon. 61: 1207. 2012.
鱼鳞鳞毛蕨组 yu lin lin mao jue zu
Authors: Wang Faguo, Prof. Fuwu Xing, Li-Bing Zhang & David S. Barrington
Acrophorus C. Presl, Tent. Pterid. 93. 1836.
Plants terrestrial; caudex erect or ascending, dictyostelic, thick, short, clothed with reddish brown or castaneous scales; scales ovate-lanceolate, entire or undulate. Fronds tufted; stipe stramineous, base covered with scales same as on rhizome, upper scales caducous, longitudinally grooved on adaxial side; lamina triangular-ovate, tripinnatifid to 4-pinnate, papery, green or brown when dry; pinnae always opposite, sessile; pinnules subopposite, vertical to rachis; ultimate pinnules sparsely covered with short nodose hairs adaxially, glabrous abaxially; rachis and rachillae stramineous, longitudinally grooved on adaxial side, densely covered with brown short nodose hairs at base, often with a cordate, brown large scale at base of each pinna and pinnule, rounded abaxially; venation free, pinnate, veinlets submarginal. Sori orbicular, terminal on basal acroscopic veinlets of lobes or ultimate pinnules; indusium semicircular or cup-shaped, membranous, inferior, attached by broad base, enclosing sori when young; receptacle elevated; annuli longitudinal and interrupted, consisting of 14-16 thickened cells, with long stipe; spores narrowly elliptic, with coarsely ribbed epispore. x = 41.
About 11 species: SE Asia, west to Papua New Guinea and Polynesia; seven species (four endemic) in China.