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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Dryopteridaceae

12. Polystichum sect. Sorolepidium (Christ) Tagawa, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 9: 122. 1940.

高山耳蕨组 gao shan er jue zu

Sorolepidium Christ, Bot. Gaz. 51: 350. 1911; Polystichum sect. Lasiopolystichum Daigobo; P. ser. Moupinensia H. S. Kung & Li Bing Zhang.

Plants small, summer-green. Upper part of rhizome often with persistent stipe bases. Lamina 1-pinnate, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate. Pinnae deeply or shallowly pinnatifid. Pinnae ovate, deltoid, or oblong, indistinctly toothed, mucronate. Microscales linear or lanceolate. Sori abaxial or terminal on veinlets. Indusia large, membranous, erose.

About 16 species: alpine regions in Asia; 13 species (seven endemic) in China.

The currently defined Polystichum sect. Sorolepidium is comparable to P. ser. Moupinensia H. S. Kung & Li Bing Zhang, only a part of P. sect. Lasiopolystichum sensu H. S. Kung & Li Bing Zhang in FRPS (5(2): 60. 2001). Molecular data (Liu et al., Chin. Sci. Bull. 52: 631-638. 2007) show that Sorolepidium is nested within Polystichum.

1 Basalmost pinnae pinnatilobate or pinnatifid but not pinnatipartite   (2)
+ Basalmost pinnae pinnatipartite and with 1-7 nearly free lobes dissected nearly to midrib   (5)
2 (1) Stipe and rachis with light brown scales and scales with blackish brown centers.   55 P. paramoupinense
+ Stipe and rachis scales light brown   (3)
3 (2) Rachis often subglabrous; pinnae glabrous adaxially.   52 P. lachenense
+ Rachis with dense scales; pinnae with lanceolate microscales adaxially   (4)
4 (3) Indusia exindusiate.   53 P. glaciale
+ Indusia indusiate.   54 P. duthiei
5 (1) Only pinnae of lower part of lamina with 1 or 2 pairs of free lobes dissected to midrib   (6)
+ Pinnae with more than 3 pairs of free lobes dissected to midrib   (8)
6 (5) Stipe and rachis with light brown scales and scales with blackish brown centers; pinnae below middle of lamina ovate or oblong.   56 P. castaneum
+ Stipe and rachis scales concolorous; pinnae below middle of lamina deltoid-ovate or ovate   (7)
7 (6) Stipe stramineous, sometimes brown at base; pinnae acute or acuminate at apex.   57 P. moupinense
+ Stipe brown; pinnae obtuse or rounded at apex.   58 P. habaense
8 (5) Stipe brown, with brown scales and scales with blackish brown centers.   59 P. melanostipes
+ Stipe stramineous   (9)
9 (8) Stipe and rachis with light brown scales and scales with blackish brown centers   (10)
+ Stipe and rachis scales concolorous   (11)
10 (9) Pinnae oblong or ovate, obtuse or rounded at apex.   63 P. salwinense
+ Pinnae narrowly deltoid or narrowly ovate, acute at apex.   64 P. nigrum
11 (9) Stipe and rachis scales yellowish brown to fulvous.   60 P. integrilobum
+ Stipe and rachis scales brown   (12)
12 (11) Lamina 11-30 cm; indusia flat.   61 P. shensiense
+ Lamina 8-12 cm; indusia arc-shaped.   62 P. taizhongense

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