1 |
Plants evergreen; pinnae leathery, stiff, with hard spinules on margin (1. P. ser. Hypopeltis). |
79 P. aculeatum |
+ |
Plants evergreen or summer-green; pinnae thinly papery, papery or thickly papery, not stiff, with soft spinules or without spinules on margin |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Microscales shorter than 0.6 mm (short-type) |
(3) |
+ |
Microscales longer than 1 mm (long-type) |
(19) |
3 (2) |
Veins clavate and unusually swollen at ends (hydathodes) (3. P. ser. Exauricula). |
98 P. punctiferum |
+ |
Veins linear and not unusually swollen at ends |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Stipe with only linear and linear-lanceolate scales (5. P. ser. Linearia) |
(5) |
+ |
Stipe with ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or broadly lanceolate scales (6. P. ser. Makinoiana) |
(8) |
5 (4) |
Lower pinnae contracted toward lamina base; pinnules ca. 0.5 cm, nearly leathery. |
106 P. tangmaiense |
+ |
Lower pinnae not or slightly contracted toward lamina base; pinnules longer than 0.6 cm, papery |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Lamina often 20(10-35) cm wide; pinnules with obvious aristate spinules on margin; rachis scales dark brown, linear and straight; apex of lamina often sterile; indusia lacerate. |
107 P. discretum |
+ |
Lamina often 10(<20) cm wide; pinnules with or without obvious aristate spinules on margin; rachis scales brown, linear and tortuous |
(7) |
7 (6) |
Lamina oblong-lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 4; rachis scales sparse; pinnae strongly curved upward, caudate; lower basal pinnules of lower pinnae not contracted; sori in 1 or 1.5 rows per pinnule; indusia entire or almost entire. |
108 P. oligocarpum |
+ |
Lamina deltoid or broadly lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 2.3(-3.5); rachis scales dense; pinnae not or slightly curved upward, acute or acuminate; lower basal pinnules of lower pinnae contracted; sori in 2 rows per pinnule; indusia lacerate. |
109 P. weimingii |
8 (4) |
Rachis scales bicolorous: brown and blackish brown |
(9) |
+ |
Rachis scales concolorous |
(13) |
9 (8) |
Except rachis base, rachis without ovate-lanceolate scales; pinnules falcate-deltoid |
(10) |
+ |
Rachis with ovate-lanceolate scales |
(11) |
10 (9) |
Pinnules with open spinules; indusia shallowly toothed. |
110 P. makinoi |
+ |
Pinnules with forward-pointing spinules; indusia entire. |
111 P. otomasui |
11 (9) |
Lamina deltoid-lanceolate; pinnule falcate-deltoid; microscales lanceolate (broad-type) |
112 P. parvifoliolatum |
+ |
Lamina oblong-lanceolate or elliptic; pinnule oblong or deltoid-ovate; microscales linear (narrow-type) |
(12) |
12 (11) |
Lamina oblong-lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 3:1; pinnae acuminate or acute, basalmost 1 or 2 pairs often sterile; pinnules oblong, acroscopic margins nearly not toothed but with long or short spinules; microscales dense abaxially. |
113 P. piceopaleaceum |
+ |
Lamina elliptic, ratio of length to width ca. 2.5:1; pinnae often caudate, basalmost 1 or 2 pairs often fertile; pinnules deltoid-ovate, acroscopic margins shallowly toothed or dissected halfway to midrib and with long spinules; microscales sparse abaxially |
114 P. yunnanense |
13 (8) |
Sori marginal |
(14) |
+ |
Sori medial or close to midrib |
(16) |
14 (13) |
Lamina deltoid-lanceolate; rachis scales linear and subulate; pinnules falcate-deltoid, acuminate at apex, auricles deltoid; indusia erose. |
115 P. acutipinnulum |
+ |
Lamina deltoid-ovate; rachis scales lanceolate and linear; pinnules oblong or oblong-ovate, obtuse at apex, auricles rounded |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Whole lamina fertile; acroscopic margins of pinnules without or rarely with few short spinules; indusia entire. |
116 P. pseudomakinoi |
+ |
Only upper part of lamina fertile; acroscopic margins of pinnules with few short spinules; indusia irregularly lacerate. |
117 P. shimurae |
16 (13) |
Nearly whole rachis with ovate-lanceolate scales; pinnules long spinulose on margin |
(17) |
+ |
Rachis without or only lower part with ovate-lanceolate scales; pinnules shortly spinulose on margin |
(18) |
17 (16) |
Microscales long filiform, obviously present on adaxial surface of pinnules; acroscopic margins of pinnules shallowly toothed or incised, basal acroscopic pinnules prolonged and pinnatifid; indusia entire. |
118 P. huae |
+ |
Microscales shortly filiform, few or absent on adaxial surface of pinnules; acroscopic margins of subentire, basal acroscopic pinnules prolonged but not pinnatifid; indusia erose. |
119 P. longiaristatum |
18 (16) |
Plants up to 80 cm tall; rachis scales not regularly reflexed. |
110 P. makinoi |
+ |
Plants up to 100 cm tall; rachis scales regularly reflexed. |
120 P. subulatum |
19 (2) |
Plants summer-green, lamina thinly papery, yellowish green, narrowly lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, rarely broadly deltoid-lanceolate (P. bakerianum, P. rufopaleaceum, P. sinense); stipe stramineous or brown when dry; pinnules or free lobes fewer than 6(-10) pairs (up to 15 pairs in P. bakerianum, P. rufopaleaceum, and P. sinense), sessile (2. P. ser. Sinensia) |
(20) |
+ |
Plants evergreen or rarely summer-green (P. braunii); lamina green, broadly lanceolate, broadly deltoid-lanceolate, or broadly elliptic-lanceolate; stipe greenish when dry; pinnules 10-30 pairs, stalked |
(34) |
20 (19) |
Pinnae or lobes obviously aristate-spinulose |
(21) |
+ |
Pinnae or lobes only crenate to serrulate |
(25) |
21 (20) |
Stipe brown or dark brown |
(22) |
+ |
Stipe stramineous |
(23) |
22 (21) |
Stipe brown; lamina oblanceolate. |
83 P. bomiense |
+ |
Stipe dark brown; lamina lanceolate or elliptic. |
84 P. tibeticum |
23 (21) |
Stipe and rachis scales bicolorous: brown with blackish brown centers. |
80 P. pseudocastaneum |
+ |
Stipe and rachis with brown scales only |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Middle pinnae 1.5-2 cm, not falcate. |
81 P. prescottianum |
+ |
Middle pinnae 3-3.5 cm, slightly falcate. |
82 P. yadongense |
25 (20) |
Stipe scales bicolorous: brown and blackish brown |
(26) |
+ |
Stipe scales concolorous: brown or dark brown |
(29) |
26 (25) |
Stipe brown at lower part; pinnae obtuse or acute at apex. |
91 P. saxicola |
+ |
Stipe stramineous |
(27) |
27 (26) |
Lamina bipinnate; large bicolorous scales ovate. |
92 P. kangdingense |
+ |
Lamina bipinnatipartite; large bicolorous scales lanceolate |
(28) |
28 (27) |
Pinnae 26-32 pairs; lobes narrowly ovate or lanceolate. |
93 P. frigidicola |
+ |
Pinnae 12-24 pairs; lobes obliquely oblong or rhombic-ovate. |
94 P. submite |
29 (25) |
Stipe brown at least at lower part |
(30) |
+ |
Stipe stramineous, sometimes brownish at base |
(31) |
30 (29) |
Pinnae deltoid-lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 2; lobes fewer than 4 pairs. |
85 P. qamdoense |
+ |
Pinnae lanceolate, ratio of length to width 3 or larger; lobes 8-12 pairs. |
86 P. gongboense |
31 (29) |
Lamina wider than 18 cm at middle; middle pinnae with 12 or more pairs of pinnules; stipe scales reddish brown or brown |
(32) |
+ |
Lamina narrower than 14 cm at middle; middle pinnae with fewer than 10 pairs of pinnules or lobes; stipe scales yellowish brown or light brown |
(33) |
32 (31) |
Stipe base with broadly lanceolate scales; pinnules with open teeth; sori indusiate. |
87 P. bakerianum |
+ |
Stipe base with ovate scales; pinnules with forward-pointing teeth; sori exindusiate. |
88 P. rufopaleaceum |
33 (31) |
Stipe with ovate scales; lamina papery; rachis with broadly lanceolate or narrowly ovate scales. |
89 P. sinense |
+ |
Stipe scales lanceolate; lamina thinly papery; rachis with linear or filiform scales. |
90 P. mollissimum |
34 (19) |
Rachis scales broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate; pinnules of upper pinnae exauriculate (3. P. ser. Exauricula) |
(35) |
+ |
Rachis scales various forms; pinnules of upper pinnae obviously auriculate (4. P. ser. Brauniana) |
(37) |
35 (34) |
Large rachis scales relatively sparse, blackish brown to dark brown; stipe scales relatively sparse; lamina sterile at apex; sori indusiate. |
97 P. pianmaense |
+ |
Large rachis scales dense, light brown to brown; stipe scales dense; lamina fertile at apex; sori exindusiate |
(36) |
36 (35) |
Stipe scales brown. |
95 P. longipaleatum |
+ |
Stipe scales bicolorous: brown with blackish brown centers. |
96 P. nudisorum |
37 (34) |
Stipe (at least stipe base) with blackish brown scales; rachis scales light brown |
(38) |
+ |
Stipe without blackish brown scales; rachis scales grayish brown |
(39) |
38 (37) |
Sori medial or close to midrib. |
99 P. braunii |
+ |
Sori marginal. |
100 P. ningshenense |
39 (37) |
Rachis scales obviously reflexed. |
101 P. retrosopaleaceum |
+ |
Rachis scales not reflexed |
(40) |
40 (39) |
Rachis scales narrowly lanceolate or linear; sori medial or nearly marginal. |
102 P. polyblepharum |
+ |
Rachis (at least lower part of rachis) with ovate and ovate-lanceolate scales; sori medial, marginal, submarginal, or close to midrib |
(41) |
41 (40) |
Lamina normally shorter than 45 cm; scales of upper part of rachis narrowly lanceolate; pinnules normally shorter than 1 cm. |
103 P. parvipinnulum |
+ |
Lamina normally longer than 50 cm; upper part of rachis also with ovate and ovate-lanceolate scales; pinnules up to 1.5 cm |
(42) |
42 (41) |
Lamina oblong-lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 4; rachis scales caudate; pinnules narrowly deltoid, with numerous microscales adaxially. |
104 P. sozanense |
+ |
Lamina elliptic-lanceolate, ratio of length to width ca. 2.4; rachis scales acuminate; pinnules oblong, with few microscales adaxially. |
105 P. ovatopaleaceum |