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Araceae/Ecuador | Family List | Araceae | Anthurium

Anthurium jaramilloi Croat & J. Rodríguez, Aroideana. 18: 80–83. (1995).

Mostly terrestrial, sometimes epipetric or as an appressed epiphyte; stems to 60 cm long; internodes short, 0.5–1.3 cm long, 1–2.5 cm diam.; cataphylls 6–21 cm long, promptly turning reddish brown and weathering into a reticulum of pale reddish brown to tan persistent fibers, obscuring petiole scars; leaves erect with the blades pendent; petioles (22) 45–90 cm long, 3–10 mm diam., subterete, sharply C-shaped, U-shaped toward apex, sharply to obtusely sulcate, pluricostate toward base with the angles slightly winged, drying brown, sheathed 2–6 cm; geniculum 1–2.5 cm long, sometimes reddish, drying and darker than petiole; blades ovate-cordate, caudate-acuminate at apex (acumen 2.5–3 cm long) (25)35–55 cm long, 30–40 cm wide, broadest at the point of petiole insertion, subcoriaceous to chartaceous, moderately bicolorous, dark green and matte above, semiglossy and somewhat paler below, drying yellowish brown; the margins often narrowly undulate; sinus obovate or closed, parabolic to hippocrepiform when flattened; the posterior lobes about as long as broad, sometimes overlapping; midrib convex to acute above, thicker, convex and darker below; primary lateral veins 13–16 pairs, arising at 45–55 degree angle, raised above in valleys, narrowly raised below, drying reddish brown; interprimary veins 1–2 between each pair of primary lateral veins; tertiary veins visible below, darker; collective veins arising from one of the middle basal veins, usually the 3rd to 5th basal veins; basal veins 6–8 pairs, the 1st pair coalesced 5–17 mm, the 4th and higher veins coalesced 3.5–4.5 cm; the posterior rib 4–6(13) cm long, naked with the sinus most of its length. Inflorescence erect, 1/2–3/4 as long as the petioles; peduncle 30–60 cm long, to 4 mm diam., pluricostate; spathe ovate to cymbiforme, erect and hooding spadix, (2.2)4.5–8 cm long, 2.5–4 cm wide, light green, often tinged with red or magenta and with the veins reddish, inserted at 45 degree angle, acuminate at apex, the margins joined around the peduncle at the base; spadix cylindric and stubby, spreading laterally and curved somewhat toward the base, 5–10 cm long, 5–8 mm diam., reddish yellow to red or dull magenta, stipitate 5–18(25) mm; flowers rhombic, 2.2 mm long, 1.7 mm wide, 10–12(15) visible per spiral; lateral tepals 1.5–2 mm wide, the inner margins straight; stamens 3.3 mm long; anthers somewhat orange; infructescence pendent, to 13 cm long, dark red; berries red, globose, to 4.5 mm long; pericarp thick with a few raphides medially, mesocarp mucilaginous, translucent; seeds 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, somewhat flattened, pale green, 1 per locule.

Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: ENDESA reserve, 9 km N of km 113 on Quito--Puerto Quito road, ca 750 m. 0°5'N, 79°02'W, 15 July 1986, Croat & Rodríguez 61465 (holotype, MO-3418460; isotypes, AAU, B, F, K, NY, QCA, QCNE, K, US).

Esmeraldas: Bilsa, 500 m, 0°21'N, 79°44W, Clark et al. 1687 (MO,QCNE). Carchi: Property of Humberto Rosero, on N side of Río Mira. Just above cable crossing, upstream from Lita and downstream from Cachaco, 760-780 m, 0°52'N, 78°26'W, Boyle et al. 3696 (MO). Pichincha: 6-8 km N of Alvaro Pérez Intriago (Km 113, Quito-La Independencia hwy.), along tributary of Río Guayllabamba. 600 m, 0°10'N, 79°3'W, Grayum et al. 9349 (MO); Reserva ENDESA, 9 km N of Km. 113 on Quito--Puerto Quito Highway, 750 m, 0°5'N, 79°2'W, Croat & Rodríguez 61465 (MO, QCA); zona el 113, via Puerto Quito, 720 m, Campaña et al. 1, 13 (QCA); 450 m, Hammel & Wilder 17226 (MO); 800, Rodriguez 224 (QCA), 301 (MO, QCA). 327B (MO, QCA); 398 (QCA); 800 m, Jaramillo et al. 5232 (MO, QCA); 650-700 m, Jaramillo 6529 (QCA); 650-700 m, Jaramillo 6723 (MO, QCA); 700 m, Pacheco 13 (QCA); 800 m, Friere 2 (QCA); Puerto Quito, 720 m, Carvajal et al. 3 (QCA).


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