Anthurium marmoratum Sodiro, Anales Univ. Centr. Ecuador. 17: 261. 1903.
A. wolfii Sodiro, Annales Univ. Centr. Ecuador 16: 262. (1903). Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Along Río Toachi and Río Pilatón, Sodiro sn.
Epiphytic, hemiepiphyte or terrestrial; stems appressed-climbing, usually less than 1 m long; internodes elongate on younger plants 4.5–6 cm long, ca. 1 cm diam with pale, fine, closely parallel fibers, very short on adult plants, 2.5–6 cm diam; cataphylls to 30 cm long, lanceolate, pergamentaceous, persisting semi-intact at upper nodes, promptly weathering into pale reticulate fibers (especially in lower portion), often closely parallel with tiny fragments of dark brown epidermis, soon deciduous; petioles (43)80–100 cm long, obtusely flattened with obscure medial rib, thickened at the base, (the sheath 1–15 cm long), stiff and brittle, inconspicuously pale-lineate or speckled with reddish or greyish green, sulcate, about as long as the blades, semiglossy; blades 45–120 cm long, 15–40 cm wide, 2.4–3 times as long as wide, acuminate at apex, deeply cordate at the base, moderately bicolorous, dark green and velvety above, moderately paler and matte below; sinus triangular to obovate and closed, acute to rounded at the apex, 6–15 cm deep, 1.2–5 cm wide; posterior lobes 8–19 cm long, 6.5–14 cm wide, somewhat longer than wide, directed inward and often overlapping; anterior lobe, 36.5–82 cm long 13–40 cm wide midway, broadly convex along the margin; basal veins 6–7 per side, the 1st 2–3 pair free to the base, (4th)5th and higher order pairs coalesced 1–4.5 cm, broadly curved and naked along the sinus; midrib convex to bluntly acute and white is yellowish above, becoming acute toward the apex, thicker than broad, narrowly rounded and paler below, soon becoming acute toward the apex; primary lateral veins 8–15 per side, arising at 50–55 degree angle, light green and marginally discolored along both margins above, acute on both surfaces; collective veins arising from one of the upper primary lateral veins; tertiary veins prominulous on both surfaces or sometimes only flat and darker than surface on lower surface. Inflorescences long-pedunculate, erect-spreading; peduncle ca 1/2 as long as the petioles, somewhat weaker than the petiole, cylindrical and ultimately angular; spathe and spadix pendent; spathe linear-lanceolate, 9.7 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, equal or longer than spadix, obliquely inserted, spreading at 90° angle, cartilaginous-herbaceous, green outside, yellowish inside, the margins rolled under throughout most of its length; spadix stipitate 3–4 mm, narrowly long-tapered, flexible & pendulous, green preanthesis, soon turning brownish, purplish or purplish violet, 20–30 cm long, 7–10 mm diam, to 50 cm long and 1.5 cm diam, weakly glossy; flowers 13–15 visible per spiral, 1.5–1.7 mm wide and long; the sides perpendicular to the spirals sigmoid; tepals at anthesis, 1.5 times longer than wide, cuneate; filaments membranaceous, flattened, a little longer than the anthers; anthers purplish, not exserted; ovary globose, angular, prolonged into a prismatic style; berries green, obovate to subobovate, almost tetragonal toward the apex; seeds subelliptic, biconvex, truncate or emarginate at the apex.
Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Along Río Toachi and Río Pilatón, Sodiro sn.
A. wolfii Sodiro, Annales Univ. Centr. Ecuador 16: 262. (1903). Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Along Río Toachi and Río Pilatón, Sodiro sn.
Known only from the Pacific slope of the Andes in western Ecuador in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Pichincha. Probably also occurring in Colombia. Gamboa et al. 79 from Vereda Pico de Aquila near Cali at 1600 m. is similar but has a collective vein arising from one of the lower primary lateral veins which extends up to 1 cm from the margin.
The species is characterized by its elongate-cordate velvety, light-green drying blades with major veins much paler than the surface above. It is one of several similar species in section Cardiolonchium with velvety pale green-drying blades. Many of this species in the western Andes remain undescribed.