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Anthurium ochreatum Sodiro, Anales Univ. Centr. Ecuador. 15(108): 10. (1901).

Anthurium crebinerve Sodiro, Anal. Univ. Centr. Ecuador 15(108): 10. (1901). Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Nanegal, Sodiro s.n. (Dec. 1899).

Usually terrestrial, sometimes an appressed epiphyte; stems to 30 cm long, elsewhere to ca 1 m; internodes 2–5.5 cm long, 7–15 m diam., medium green, semiglossy, drying tan-brown, moderately smooth; cataphylls 10–20 cm long, pale-speckled; leaves erect, petioles 25–40 cm long, 4–7 mm diam., subterete, narrowly and obtusely sulcate (elsewhere sharply C-shaped with medial rib as in Croat 73766), dark green, weakly glossy, densely pale-speckled, sheathed 3–6 cm; geniculum 1–1.6 cm long, paler green than the surface; blades ovate-elliptic to triangular-ovate, (20)31–41 cm long, (11)14–22 cm wide, 1.5–2.2 times longer than wide, chartaceous to thinly coriaceous, dark green and glossy to subvelvety above, pale green and semiglossy to matte below, acuminate to cuspidate at apex, subcordate or rarely rounded at base, sometimes the lobes unequal; the margins undulate; the sinus broadly arcuate to broadly v-shaped, up to 4 cm deep; midrib raised in a valley above, round-raised and darker below, densely pale-speckled; primary lateral veins 15–22 per side, arising at 35–40 degree angle, prominently sunken, drying narrowly raised, narrowly raised below; interprimary veins sometimes present; basal veins 1–3 pairs, free to the base; collective veins arising from one of the lowermost primary lateral veins or the first or second basal veins, sometimes from one of the lower basal veins, 3–6 mm from the margin; reticulate veins drying raised below. Inflorescences erect; peduncle 10–24 cm long, ca. 4 mm diam., densely pale-speckled, about 1/2 as long as the petiole; spathe linear-lanceolate, 8–15 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide, membranaceous, green to pale green, inserted at 45 degree angle, spreading to recurved or reflexed, cuspidate at apex, the margins meeting at an obtuse angle, densely pale dotted on both surfaces; spadix pale yellow to pale green, subsessile, 8–16 cm log, 4–7 mm diam.; flowers rhombic, 2.6 mm diam., 5–7 visible per spiral; tepals semiglossy, 1.3–1.8 mm wide, the inner margin convex; stamens 1–1.3 mm long (full length); anthers orange; pistils early emergent, elongate; infructescence to 18 cm long, curved; berries botuliforme, green, to 4.6 mm long, maturing sporadically throughout the spadix; pericarp with raphides; mesocarp muscilaginous, transluscent; seeds oblong to discoidal, 2.7 mm long, 1.8 mm wide, 1 per locule.

Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: forests of Nanegal & Gualea, Sodiro s.n.; apparently lost. Lectotype designated here: Ecuador. Cotopaxi: Pujilí Cantón: Angamarca, Sodiro sn. (November, 1900), (lectotype, B; isolectotype, G). Anthurium crebinerve Sodiro, Anal. Univ. Centr. Ecuador 15(108): 10. (1901). Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Nanegal, Sodiro s.n.(Dec. 1899).

Esmeraldas: Playa de Oro. Sendero Playa de Oro-Playa Rica, 90 m, 0°52'N, 78°47'W, Alvarez et al. 752 (MO, QCNE). Imbabura: Otavalo Cantón: Otavalo--Selva Alegre, 57.6 km W of Pan-American Hwy, 2,070 m, 0°16'N, 78°30'W, Croat 72251 (MO). Pichincha: Reserva Forestal La Favorita, 1800-1830 m, 0°12'S, 78°47W, Croat 72144 (AAU, B, ENCB, F, K, KYO, M, MEXU, MO, NY, QCA, SAR, US); Montano Bajo 1600-1800 m, 0°16'S, 78°44'W, Benavides 9 (MO), 90 (MO), Benavides & Penafiel 30 (MO), Benavides & Padilla 35 (MO). Quito--Santo Domingo, Km 59, Las Palmeras 2000 m, 0°16'S, 78°50'W, Borchsenius 91412 (AAU). Reserva Natural Río Guajalito, 1800 m, 0°13'53"S, 78°48'10"W, Croat 72017 (B, CM, F, K, KYO, M, MEXU, MO, NY, QCA, US); Reserva Floristica-Ecologica Río Guajalito, 1800--2200 m, Jaramillo & Grijalva 14615 (NY), Grijalva 551 (NY). El Paraíso--Saguangal, 3 km from El Paraíso, 1500 m, 0°10'N, 78°46'W, Ollgaard et al. 37779, 37795, 37807 (AAU); Alóag--Santo Domingo de los Colorados, San Ignacio, km 23, 2,000 m, Sparre 14721 (S), 17744 (S); Tandápi, confluence of Río Tandápi and Río Pilatón, Sparre 16729 (S); Quito--Santo Domingo (old road), 12--15 km N of La Palma, 1430--1540 m, 0°20'S, 78°55'W, Luteyn et al. 8761 (NY); 2--3 km N of La Palma, 890--1010 m, 0°18'13"S, 78°54'30"W, Croat 56983 (MO); 15 km NE of Chiriboga, 1710 m, 0°17'S, 78°43'W, Croat 50616 (MO); along road between Calicalí and Nanegalito, 24.6 km W of Mitad del Mundo, 16.8 km W of Calicali, 14 km E of bridge at jct of rd to Tandayapa and Nanegalito, 2175 m, 0°1'N, 78°34W, Croat 72883 (MO); Tandayapa, 1 km SW, reserva Bella Vista, 2300 m, 0°5'S, 78°40'W, Billiet & Jadin 6681 (MO). Tandayapa--Mindo, 19.5 km S of Tandayapa, ca 5.5 km N of Mindo, 1930 m, Croat 49395 (MO); Km 79, ca 5 km S of Mindo, 1770 m, 0°2'S, 78°44'W, Croat 50266, 50268 (MO); Km 73 N of Tandayapa, 2,300 m, 0°2'S, 78°42'W, Croat 50265 (MO); road from Calacalí to Tandayapa, at Km 22 (West of junction into town of Calacalí), 1000 m, 0°1'3"N, 78°36'25"W, Croat & Whitehill 82730 (MO); along road leading to Mindo from the main Nanegalito-San Miguel de los Bancos rd, 1300 m, 0°0'26"N, 78°46'W, Croat & Whitehill 82740 (MO); along road from Nanegalito to Mindo, 16.5 km SSW of Nanegalito,1500 m, 0°1'14"N, 78°44'23"W, Croat & Whitehill 82753 (MO). Mindo, 1,200 m, 0°5'S, 78°45'W, Neill & Azanza 10338 (B, MO, QCNE, US); Nono--Nanegal, 6 km SE of Tandayapa, 2,050 m, 0°3'N, 78°59'W, Croat 50238 (MO); Gualea--Armenia, 3 km from Armenia, 1800 m, 0°6'N, 78°43'W, Øllgaard et al. 37887 (AAU); Reserva Maquipucuna, Cerro Sosa, ca. 5 km (airline) S. of Nanegal, 2000 m, 0°7'N, 78°38'W, Webster et al. 28230 (DAV), 1650 m, 0°9'N, 78°39'5"W, Webster, et al. 31073 (MO). Parroquia Nanegal, Quebrada Cariyacu--Quebrada Loreto, Cerro Campana, 5-6 km (airline) E of Nanegal, 1750 m, 0°9'N, 78°37'W, Webster & Paradise 30035 (MO). Quebrada Santa Rosa, 2030 m, 0°1'N, 78°36'W, Webster, et al. 31252 (MO). northern boundary, 10 km N. of Nanegalito, 1200 m, 0°10'N, 78°35'W, Neill et al. 8657 (MO, QCNE); Parroquia Nanegal: Río Umachaca W of Hacienda El Carmen, 1250 m, 0°7'N, 78°38--38.5'W, Webster & Kelch 28731 (DAV). Maquipucuna, 5 km E of Nanegal, 1500 m, 0°7'N, 78°37'W, Gentry 73198 (MO). ENDESA Reserve, 650-700 m, 0°5'N, 79°2'W, Jaramillo 7624, 7581 (QCA); 800 m, Harling & Andersson 23301 (GB); 800 m, Rodriguez 167A, 190 (MO, QCA); 9 km N of Km 113 on Quito--Puerto Quito Hwy, 750 m, 0°5'N, 79°2W, Croat & Rodríguez 61495 (G,K,M,MO,QCA); 650-700 m, Jaramillo 6729, 6787 (QCA). Cotopaxi: Quevedo--El Corazón, 8--10 km W of El Corazón, 850--1,000 m, Harling & Andersson 19103 (MO, GB); La Maná Cantón: vic. Pucayacu, 0°39'S, 79°5'W, 1480--1530 m, Croat 73766 (MO).


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