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Anthurium oxycarpum Poeppig, Nov. Gen. Sp. 3: 83. (1845).

Anthurium strictum N.E. Br ex Engl., Monogr. Phan 2: 638. (1879). Type: Brazil. Acre: Río Branco, N.E. Brown s.n. (K, identified with Kew Negative # 2805).

Epiphytic or terrestrial, sometimes epipetric; stem short or elongate, to 60 cm long, 1–3 cm wide; leaf scars inconspicuous, obscured by root mass, 1 cm high, 1.2 cm wide; roots numerous, dense, spreading, green to whitish, smooth to densely pubescent when dried, short, bluntly tapered, 1–7.5 cm long, (1)2–4 mm diam.; cataphylls membranous to subcoriaceous, lanceolate, prominently 1-ribbed throughout, 5.5–12 cm long, acuminate at apex with subapical apiculum 1–2 mm long, light green, drying thin, yellowish to pale tan (B & K yellow 7/5), persisting more or less intact, eventually as fine linear fibers. Leaves erect to erect-spreading; petioles (2.5)5–15 cm long, 4–9 mm diam., subterete to C-shaped to D-shaped, flattened to narrowly or obtusely sulcate adaxially, the margins blunt, rounded abaxially, the surface dark green, pale-speckled; geniculum slightly thicker than petiole, 1–2.5 cm long; sheath for 3–4 cm long; blades subcoriaceous, narrowly to broadly elliptic to broadly oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, acute to short-acuminate at apex (the acumen downturned, inrolled), obtuse to acute or attenuate at base, (12)22–55 cm long, 10–19 cm wide, broadest at or above the middle, the margins flat to broadly undulate; upper surface glossy to semiglossy, occasionally matte, medium to dark green, lower surface matte to weakly glossy, moderately to conspicuously paler; midrib above raised and paler than to concolorous with the surface, below prominently and obtusely to acutely raised at base, becoming convexly raised toward the apex and slightly paler than surface; primary lateral veins 10–25 per side, departing midrib at 40–70 degree angle, straight to weakly arcuate to the collective vein, weakly raised near the midrib, becoming sunken in grooves toward the margin; interprimary veins weakly sunken above, weakly raised below; tertiary veins weakly sunken above, raised below; reticulate veins obscure; collective vein rising from near the base, sunken above, raised below, paler than surface, 5–11 mm from margin. Inflorescences erect, equalling or longer than leaves; peduncle 18.5–54.7 cm long, 3–5 mm diam., 2.5–5 times as long as petiole, green, terete; spathe spreading to reflexed at an acute to almost right angle from spadix, coriaceous to subcoriaceous, light to dark green, sometimes tinged with red or maroon at margins, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, sometimes elliptic, 5–12.5 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, broadest usually in the lower third (sometimes at or near the middle), inserted at 35–45 degree angle on peduncle, abruptly acuminate at apex (the acumen tightly inrolled, 6 mm long), acute to acuminate at base, the margins meeting at 60–80 degree angle; stipe to 17–20 mm long in front, 0–1 mm long in back; spadix bluish-green to green to yellow-green, also reported as creamy and tan, tapered, erect, held at 140–170 degree angle from peduncle, 4–8.5 cm long, 6–10 mm diam. near base, 3–7 mm diam. near apex; flowers square, 2.4–3.2 mm in both directions, the sides moderately straight parallel to spiral, straight to jaggedly sigmoid perpendicular to spiral; 4–7 flowers visible in principal spiral, 9–11 in alternate spiral; tepals covered with thin, matte, bluish green, waxy bloom, few droplets present at anthesis; lateral tepals 1.3–2 mm wide, the inner margins broadly convex, the outer margins, 2–3-sided; pistils weakly emergent at anthesis, matte covered with waxy bloom, green, becoming brown; stigma oblong-ellipsoid, 0.6–0.7 mm long, brush-like and depressed medially before droplets emerge; stamens emerging in a prompt, regular, complete sequence from the base, inclined slightly invard over the stigma; anthers creamy-white to orange, 0.5–0.6 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide; thecae oblong-ovoid, scarcely divaricate; pollen white. Infructescence with spathe persisting; spadix 6.5–8.5 cm long, 1.8–2.5 cm diam., with berries scattered throughout; berries green, becoming red and eventually purple in the apical half, obovoid-oblong to ellipsoid-obovoid, long-acuminate toward the apex, rounded at apex with radial ridges, 7.5–12.3 mm long, 4.2–5 mm diam near base, toward the apex narrowing to 1.7–2.5 mm diam.; pericarp thin, transparent; mesocarp gelatinous with moderate number of raphide cells; seeds 2 per berry, yellowish, oblong-ovoid, flattened, 5.3–5.5 mm long, 3 mm diam., 1.5–1,8 mm thick, enveloped by transparent, sometimes amber, gelatinous, sticky substance.

Type: Peru. Loreto: Yurimaguas, Poeppig s.n. (G, lectotype). Anthurium strictum N.E. Br ex Engl., Monogr. Phan 2: 638. (1879). Type: Brazil. Acre: Río Branco, N.E. Brown s.n. (K, identified with Kew Negative # 2805).

Cotopaxi: 700 m, Holm-Nielsen et al. 2936 (AAU). Sucumbios: 355 m, 0°5'S, 76°54W, Croat 72515 (MO). Napo: Reserva de Produccion Faunistica Cuyabeno, 265 m, 0°0'S, 76°12W, Nielsen 76226 (AAU); 76516 (AAU, MO); Poulsen 79692 (AAU); Puerto Napo--Puerto Misahualli, 3.5 km E of Puerto Napo, 1°2'S, 77°47'W, Croat 58882 (C, CAS, CM, GH, MO, NY, QCA, RSA, SEL); 8 km below Puerto Misahualli on Río Napo, 1.5 km S, 1°4'S, 77°36', 450 m, Palacios et al. 404 (MO, QCNE); Palacios 2859, 2877 (MO), 2961 (MBM, MO, QCNE, W); Lago Agrio--Coca, 8.8 km S of Río Aguarico on road to Coca, San Francisco de Orellana, Croat 58512A (MO); confluence of Río Borja and Río Quijos, E bank, ca. 1300 m, 0°25'S, 77° 49'W, HolmNielsen et al. 26234 (AAU); Río Aguarico, 220 m, HolmNielsen et al. 21115 (AAU, UEC); 30 min. by canoe below San Pablo, 250 m, 76°25'W, 0°18'S, Laegaard 51563 (QCA); Río Arajuno: Sola Cocha, 500 m, 1°7'S, 77°36'W, Palacios et al. 896 (MO); Río Lagartococha: 190 m, 0°33'S, 75°13'W, Lawesson et al. 44409 (AAU); Río Napo: Limoncocha, 240 m, Foster 3839 (F); Madison et al. 5432 (MO, SEL, QCA, US, K); Jatun Sacha Biological Reserve, 8 km below Misahualli, 450 m, 1°4'S, 77°36'W, Ceron 723, 1312 (MO); Ceron et al. 1992 (MO, QCNE); 400 m, Ceron 6289 (MO, QCA); 5963 (KRAM, MO, OOMOTO); Río Wai si aya, 300 m, 1 km upstream from Río Aguarico, Brandbyge et al. 33190 (AAU); Along road between Lago Agrio & Puerto El Carmen de Putomayo (on Río Putomayo at Colombian frontier; 2.2 km SE of Guarumo,240 m, 0°6'N, 76°33W, Croat 58619 (MO); Río Yasuni, 200 m, 0°57'S, 75°25'W, Balslev & Alarcon 2936 (AAU); 450 m, 1°3'S, 77°35W, Ponce & Ghia 289 (NY); Estacion Biologica Jatun Sacha, 450 m, 1°4'S, 77°36W, Croat 73417 (MO); Rueda 1112 (MO); Río Napo, Lapuna Taracoa, 250 m, Ingram 1955 (MO); Río Tiputini, Bolotin 103 (MO). Napo--Pastaza: Tena, Asplund 9199 (S); Pastaza: Río Curaray: Curaray, 200 m, Harling & Andersson 17517 (GB). Morona-Santiago: 20 km from Limon, 700--900 m, Harling & Andersson 12875 (GB).


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