Anthurium silanchense Croat & J. Rodríguez, Aroideana. 18: 130-132. (1995).
Epiphytic; stems to 50 cm long; roots few per node, drying dark brown with grayish pubescence, long wooly-pubescent; internodes 4–6 cm long, 1–1.5 cm diam., promptly drying glossy, closely wrinkled (both vertically and transversely), thick, tan-brown; cataphylls subcoriaceous, sharply 1-ribbed, to 12 cm long, bluntly acute at apex, drying greenish gray, persisting intact at upper nodes, weathering somewhat as fine linear fibers, then promptly deciduous; petioles 78–88 cm long, 7–9 mm diam., sulcate, green, sheathed ca 1 cm; geniculum 1.5–2 cm long, light green; blades narrowly ovate, 34–45 cm long, 30–32 cm wide, broadest just above the point of petiole attachment, narrowly rounded and cuspidate-acuminate at apex (acumen 7 mm long), subcordate at base, dark green and matte above, paler and semiglossy below, drying with a number of scattered, weakly raised bumps on lower surface; sinus arcuate, to ca 2.5 cm deep; basal lobes broadly rounded; midrib convex and concolorous above, more prominent and slightly paler below, drying thicker than broad and faintly 3-ribbed; primary lateral veins 11–13, at least those in the lower half of the blade arising at an acute angle, then spreading at 30–50 degree angle, moderately straight to weakly curved to collective veins, drying raised near midrib, becoming sunken toward margins above, convex below, drying paler and thicker than broad below; interprimary veins almost as conspicuous as the primary lateral veins; tertiary veins drying weakly visible above, prominulous below; basal veins 4–5 pairs, essentially free to the base, the uppermost partly fused to the midrib, the 2nd and 3rd weakly fused ca 1 cm; collective veins arising from the 1st basal veins (2nd & 3rd basal veins broadly and weakly loop-connected to the collective vein), loop-connecting the primary lateral veins, mostly 4–7 mm from margin (but up to 2 cm at the lower junctions with the primary lateral veins); tertiary veins drying moderately prominulous. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves; peduncle 15–20 cm long, 3–4 mm diam. (dried), less than one-fourth as long as the petioles; spathe oblong-lanceolate, green, 6.5–8.5 cm long, 1.2–1.7 cm wide chartaceous, acuminate, inserted at 50 degree angle, then recurved, the margins meeting at an obtuse angle at base; spadix green, cylindric, barely tapered, 7–14 cm long, 5 mm diam., stipitate to 1.8 cm; flowers 4-lobed, 2.3 mm long, 2 mm wide; lateral tepals shield-shaped, 1.0–2.7 mm wide, with pale raphide cells and granular excrescences, outer margins 4-sided, inner margins rounded to obtusely angular; stamens to 2 mm long; anthers cream, drying broadly ovoid, 0.3 mm long, 0.4 mm wide; pistils weakly exserted, drying semiglossy. Infructescence to more than 1 cm diam.; berries red, globose, 2.5–3 mm long, pericarp with raphide cells toward apex, mesocarp muscilaginous; seeds 2 mm long, 1.5 mm diam., olive-green, 1 per locule.
Type: Ecuador. Pichincha: Reserva ENDESA "Corporación Forestal Juan Manuel Durini", Quito--Puerto Quito, Km 113, 10 km N of highway, 800 m, 0°5'N, 79°2'W, Rodríguez 322 (holotype, QCA; isotype, (MO).
Pichincha: Quito--Puerto Quito Rd., Km 113, 10 km N of main hwy, 800 m, 0°5'N, 79°2'W, Rodriguez 322 (QCA), 328 (MO, QCA).