Anthurium tenaense Croat, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 78(3): 739. (1991).
Epiphytic; stem erect; internodes short, roots numerous, drying whitish; cataphylls unribbed, 6 cm long, drying greyish brown, persisting intact, eventually shredding at base. Leaves with petioles (8–9)18–19 cm long, ca. (3–4)5–6 mm diam., more or less D-shaped, with obtuse medial rib and with the margins sharply raised adaxially, rounded abaxially; geniculum drying slightly darker and narrower than petiole, (0.4)0.6–0.9 cm long; sheath 2.5–5.5 cm long, free-ending; blades coriaceous, narrowly oblong-elliptic, acute to long attenuate at apex, acute to obtuse (rounded) at base, (23.2)32.5–69 cm long, (5.0–5.6)9–9.5 cm wide, broadest at or above the middle, the margins weakly undulate; both surfaces drying matte, reddish brown, slightly paler below; midrib obtusely angular to broadly convex at base, becoming narrowly acute toward the apex above, more prominently raised below, bluntly acute, becoming narrowly convex toward the apex, darker than surface when dried; primary lateral veins 5–8 per side, departing midrib at 65–90 degree angle, prominently arcuate to the margin, drying convexly raised and darker than surface above and below; interprimary veins not numerous, less prominent than primary lateral veins; tertiary veins darker than surface when fresh, prominulous; reticulate veins visible on either surface; collective vein arising from near the apex, probably sunken above, raised above and below when dried, 4–10 mm from margin. Inflorescences with peduncle (19.5)22.5–60 cm long, (2–3)6–9 mm diam. when dried, ca. (1.5)2.5–3 times as long as petiole; spathe green, subcoriaceous, lanceolate with acumen inrolled, (7.6)9–15 cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide, acute at apex, long attenuate at base; spadix green, cylindric to long-tapered, 6–18 cm long, 3–7 mm diam. near base, 1–2 mm diam. near apex; flowers rhombic to 4-lobed, (1–1.5)1.8–2.3 mm long, (0.8–0.9)1.6–1.8 mm wide, the sides moderately straight to jaggedly to smoothly sigmoid; (6–7)8–17 flowers visible in principal spiral, 5 in alternate spiral; tepals minutely granular-papillate, lateral tepals (0.6)0.8–10 mm wide, more or less shield-shaped, the inner margins straight to broadly rounded, the outer margins irregularly (2–3)3–4-sided; exposed portion of the pistil rectangular; stigma slit-like, 0.2–0.4 mm long.
Type: Ecuador. Napo: along road between Tena and Puyo, 58.1 km N of Puyo, 600 m, Croat 49631 (MO 2738143, holotype).
Napo: TenaPuyo, 58.1 km N of Puyo, 600 m, Croat 49631 (MO); Tena, Estacion Biologica Jatun Sacha, 8 km E of Misahualli, 01°04'S, 77°36'W, 400 m, Ceron 6073, 6074 (MO).