Description from
Flora of China
Herbs, annual or biennial. Stem erect, branched or unbranched. Leaves undivided, lyrate, or pinnatipartite, margin entire or toothed. Capitula heterogamous, solitary at end of stem and branches, sometimes additionally 1 or few subbasal. Involucre glabrous or sparsely arachnoid. Phyllaries imbricate, rigid to subrigid; middle phyllaries broadly rounded; inner phyllaries with scarious apical appendage. Outer florets in 1 row, sterile, with corollas 5-20-cleft; inner florets many, bisexual, in many rows. Corolla yellow or purple. Stigmatic branches long. Achene sericeous-villous, apex with denticulate rim; attachment scar surrounded by conspicuously thickened rim. Pappus elements of one type, scalelike, wider toward apex, scabridulous, rarely absent.
Seven species: C and SW Asia; two species (one introduced) in China.
(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Ludwig Martins)