Description from
Flora of China
Bardana Hill; Lappa Scopoli.
Herbs, biennial [or perennial]. Leaves simple, margin sparsely denticulate to subentire. Capitula many, glabrous or cobwebby, forming a corymbose [or racemose] synflorescence. Phyllaries (except sometimes innermost) narrowed into a slender hooked spine. Stamen filaments papillose; anther with subentire to lacerate basal appendages. Style branches linear. Achene obovoid to narrowly ellipsoid, laterally compressed, rugose, striate or ribbed, apex inconspicuously rimmed. Pappus of ca. 3 rows of bristles, outer ones very short.
Eleven species: N Africa, Asia, Europe; two species in China.
(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Werner Greuter)