Description from
Flora of China
Stems small to moderate, clustered. Leaves 15-20, induplicate, briefly costapalmate; petioles slender, elongate, smooth margined, deeply channeled; leaf sheaths open, in one species with an additional triangular cleft at base of petiole; hastula absent; blades irregularly divided almost to base into few to many segments of varying widths, with acute apices, green on both surfaces. Inflorescences spicate or branched to 3 orders, borne among leaves; bracts persistent, tubular, covering peduncle, rachis, and rachillae; flowers bisexual, solitary or borne in small groups, pedicellate, partly covered by tubular bracts; calyx shallowly 3-lobed; corolla deeply 3-lobed, lobes reflexed at anthesis; stamens 6. Fruits red, orange, or purple, small, globose, obovoid, or pear-shaped, 1-seeded; endosperm ruminate; germination remote; eophylls undivided.
Three species: S China, N Vietnam; two species (both endemic) in China.