Description from
Flora of China
Delphinium Linnaeus sect. Consolida de Candolle, Syst. Nat. 1: 341. 1817.
Herbs annual. Leaves basal and cauline; leaf blade palmately divided. Inflorescence racemose or compoundly so. Pedicels usually 2-bracteolate. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic. Sepals 5, petaloid, purple, blue, or white, upper one spurred. Petals 2, connate, spurred, subentire or 3--5-lobed; spur nectariferous. Staminodes absent. Stamens numerous; filaments lanceolate-linear, 1-veined; anthers ellipsoid. Carpel 1; ovary many ovulate. Style without a distinct stigma. Follicle narrowly oblong, reticulate. Seeds subtetrahedral, densely transversely squamulose winged.
Consolida ambigua (Linnaeus) P. W. Ball & Heywood, a native of SW Asia and S Europe, is often cultivated in China as an ornamental.
About 43 species: N Africa, W Asia, S Europe; one species in China.
(Authors: Wang Wencai; Michael J. Warnock)