Description from
Flora of China
Corymbia K. D. Hill & L. A. S. Johnson.
Trees or shrubs. Bark smooth, fibrous, stringy, or tessellated. Leaves usually polymorphic with different juvenile and mature forms and sometimes with intermediate forms. Juvenile leaves opposite, 3 to several pairs, shortly petiolate or sessile; leaf blade
often glaucous or with glandular trichomes; juvenile foliage sometimes persisting throughout life of plant. Mature leaves alternate, petiolate; leaf blade usually leathery, secondary veins numerous, with intramarginal veins. Inflorescences axillary or clustered into terminal or axillary panicles, consisting of umbelliform condensed dichasia. Flowers bisexual. Hypanthium campanulate, obconic, or semiglobose, stipitate or not, apex usually truncate. Sepals rarely distinct. Petals connate, either adnate to sepals into a 1-layered calyptra or not adnate and then with connate sepals forming a 2-layered calyptra; calyptra deciduous at anthesis. Stamens numerous, usually distinct, in several whorls with outer whorl usually sterile; anthers 2-celled, parallel or oblique, elliptic, ovate, cordate, or bifurcate, dehiscing longitudinally or occasionally poricidally. Ovary adnate to hypanthium, 2-7-loculed; ovules numerous. Style persistent. Whole or most of capsule included in expanded hypanthium; disk often well developed; valves exserted from hypanthium, equaling hypanthium rim, or included in hypanthium. Seeds numerous, many sterile and undeveloped, developed seeds ovate or angular; testa rigid, sometimes developed into wings.
The genus is treated here in the broad sense, i.e., the segregate Corymbia is not recognized.
In addition to the Eucalyptus species treated here, the following additional taxa have been recorded as being cultivated in China (see Wang & Brooker, A key to eucalypts in China, China Science and Technology Press, Beijing, 1991):
E. acaciiformis H. Deane & Maiden
E. agglomerata Maiden
E. aggregata H. Deane & Maiden
E. albens Bentham
E. amygdalina Labillardière (E. salicifolia (Solander) Cavanilles)
E. badjensis Beuzeville & Welch
E. bakeri Maiden
E. benthamii Maiden & Cambage
E. bosistoana F. Mueller
E. brassiana S. T. Blake
E. bridgesiana R. Baker
E. camphora R. Baker
E. cinerea F. Mueller ex Bentham
E. cladocalyx F. Mueller
E. cloeziana F. Mueller
E. coccifera J. D. Hooker
E. coolabah Blakely & Jacobs
E. cordata Labillardière
E. cornuta Labillardière
E. crawfordii Maiden & Blakely
E. crenulata Blakely & Beuzeville
E. cypellocarpa L. A. S. Johnson
E. dalrympleana Maiden
E. dealbata A. Cunningham ex Schauer
E. deanei Maiden
E. deglupta Blume
E. delegatensis R. Baker
E. dendromorpha (Blakely) L. A. S. Johnson & Blaxell
E. diversicolor F. Mueller
E. dives Schauer
E. drepanophylla F. Mueller ex Bentham
E. dundasii Maiden
E. dunnii Maiden
E. elata Dehnhardt
E. eugenioides Sieber ex Sprengel
E. fastigiata H. Deane & Maiden
E. fibrosa F. Mueller
E. ficifolia F. Mueller
E. fraxinoides H. Deane & Maiden
E. glaucescens Maiden & Blakely
E. globoidea Blakely
E. gomphocephala Candolle
E. goniocalyx F. Mueller ex Miquel
E. gummifera (Solander ex Gaertner) Hochreutiner
E. gunnii J. D. Hooker
E. horistes L. A. S. Johnson & K. D. Hill
E. intermedia R. Baker
E. ×kirtoniana F. Mueller
E. kochii Maiden & Blakely
E. laevopinea R. Baker
E. leucoxylon F. Mueller
E. longifolia Link
E. macarthurii H. Deane & Maiden
E. mannifera Mudie
E. marginata Donn ex Smith
E. melanoxylon Maiden
E. microtheca F. Mueller
E. miniata Cunningham ex Schauer
E. neglecta Maiden
E. nitens (H. Deane & Maiden) Maiden
E. nova-anglica H. Deane & Maiden
E. occidentalis Endlicher
E. ovata Labillardière
E. paliformis L. A. S. Johnson & Blaxell
E. papuana F. Mueller
E. parramattensis C. Hall
E. parvifolia Cambage
E. pauciflora Sieber ex Sprengel
E. peltata Bentham
E. perriniana F. Mueller ex Rodway
E. pilularis Smith
E. polybractea R. Baker
E. propinqua H. Deane & Maiden
E. pulverulenta Sims
E. pyrocarpa L. A. S. Johnson & Blaxell
E. quadrangulata H. Deane & Maiden
E. radiata Sieber ex Candolle
E. regnans F. Mueller
E. resinifera Smith
E. rubida H. Deane & Maiden
E. scoparia Maiden
E. seeana Maiden
E. smithii R. Baker
E. stellulata Sieber ex Candolle
E. stricta Sieber ex Sprengel
E. tessellaris F. Mueller
E. triantha Link
E. triflora (Maiden) Blakely
E. urophylla S. T. Blake
E. viminalis Labillardière
About 700 species: mainly in Australia, with a minor representation in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines; about 110 species cultivated in China with only 25 major ones treated here.