Leptorhabdos Schrenk
Description from Flora of China
Dargeria Decaisne.
Herbs, hemiparasitic. Stems quadrangular. Leaves opposite below, alternate above. Flowers in racemes. Bracteoles absent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, 5-lobed. Corolla tube tubular-funnelform; limb 5-lobed; lobes 2-parted almost to base. Stamens 4, slightly didynamous, inserted at corolla tube; anther locules free, parallel. Ovules 2 per locule. Stigma capitate. Capsule compressed, loculicidal. Seeds oblong or angular, truncate and at an oblique angle at adjoining faces; seed coat rugose.
One species: C and SW Asia, NW China.
Lower Taxon
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