Description from
Flora of China
Anagalloides Krocker; BonnayaLink & Otto; Ilysanthes Rafinesque.
Herbs, erect, prostrate, or creeping. Leaves opposite; petiolate or sessile; leaf blade margin often toothed or rarely entire; veins pinnate or palmate. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, racemose, sometimes pseudo-umbellate, rarely in large panicles, or flowers solitary. Flowers opposite or alternate, often pedicellate. Bracteoles absent. Calyx lobes 5, equal or subequal, parted, or split on 1 side. Corolla lower lip larger than upper, extended; upper lip erect. Stamens 4, all fertile or 2 anterior reduced and filaments appendaged; anthers coherent or apex of locules of anterior ones pointed or spurred. Style mostly 2-lamellate, apex often enlarged. Seeds small, numerous.
About 70 species: widely distributed throughout warm regions of New and Old World; 29 species in China.