Monimopetalum Rehd.
Description from Flora of China
Scandent shrubs, glabrous; bud scales persistent on nodes of young shoots. Leaves alternate, papery, margin entire-ciliate; stipules 2, persistent. Inflorescences axillary, cymose; peduncle and pedicel slender and thin; bracts and bractlets awl-shaped, margin ciliate, persistent. Flowers bisexual, 4-merous. Disk compressed globose. Stamens sessile on disk. Ovary connected with disk basally, 4-locular; ovules erect, 2 per locule. Capsule deeply 4-lobed, loculicidally dehiscent, only 1 or 2 developing, persistent petals becoming winglike. Seeds 1(or 2) per locule; basal aril thin and small.
● One species: China.
(Authors: Ma Jinshuang (马金双); A. Michele Funston)
Lower Taxon
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