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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Amaryllidaceae

Pancratium Linn.


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, bulbiferous. Leaves basal, sessile, linear or ligulate. Flowering stem solid. Inflorescences umbellate, 1- to many flowered; involucres 2. Pedicel often short. Perianth subfunnelform; lobes 6, spreading, lanceolate or linear. Stamens inserted at throat of perianth tube; filaments connate into a cup for most of their length but apically free; anthers versatile, linear. Ovary with many ovules. Style filiform; stigma capitate, sometimes somewhat 3-lobed to -branched, small. Fruit a capsule, 3-valved, loculicidal. Seeds black, angular.

About 15 species: Mediterranean region to tropical Africa and Asia; one species in China.

Lower Taxon


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