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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Apocynaceae

Parepigynum Tsiang et P. T. Li


Description from Flora of China

Lianas woody, large, latex white. Leaves opposite. Cymes corymbose, terminal and axillary, long pedunculate. Calyx glandular between sepals. Corolla salverform; tube terete, constricted below middle, with densely antrorse setae; lobes narrowly elliptic, overlapping to left. Stamens inserted near base of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers sagittate, included, adherent at middle to pistil head, cells spurred at base; disc fleshy, 5-partite, lobes nearly 4-angled, as long as ovary. Carpels 2, connate. Ovaries semi-inferior or nearly inferior; ovules numerous in each carpel. Style cylindric, dilated at apex; pistil head conical. Follicles 2, narrowly fusiform, connate, parted distally when mature. Seeds narrowly elliptic, short beaked, coma silky.

One species: endemic to China.

Lower Taxon


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