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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Piperaceae

Peperomia Ruiz et Pavon


Description from Flora of China

Herbs annual or, usually perennial, (Chinese species) rooting from nodes toward base of stem and with erect or ascending flowering shoots. Stems usually dwarf, fleshy; vascular bundles free, scattered. Prophylls absent. Leaves alternate, opposite, or whorled, main lateral veins all basal; reticulate veins inconspicuous. Flowers bisexual, very small, often within depressions in rachis, sessile. Inflorescence a spike, usually erect, terminal or axillary, rarely leaf-opposed, solitary, paired, or clustered; rachis as thick or slightly thicker than peduncle; bracts ± orbicular, peltate (sometimes oblong and/or not peltate). Stamens 2; filaments short, thecae ± globose, ellipsoid, or cylindric. Ovary 1-loculed; ovule 1; stigma 1, rarely 2-cleft, globose, apex obtuse or acute, beaked or brushlike, lateral or terminal. Fruit a very small, sticky nutlet, often partly enclosed in pit in rachis, sometimes distinctly curved.

About 1000 species: widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions; seven species (two endemic, one introduced) in China, mostly growing on trees or moss-covered rocks.

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