Description from
Flora of China
Shrubs deciduous. Stems erect or prostrate, sometimes rooting from nodes; bark peeling off. Winter bud scales in 2 or 3 pairs, membranous. Leaves opposite, decussate; leaf blade simple. Inflorescence terminal, a corymbose cyme, few branched; bracts persistent. Sterile flowers few, large. Fertile flowers numerous, small. Calyx tube adnate to ovary; teeth persistent. Petals 4, free, valvate in bud, fleshy, falling early. Stamens very numerous, multiseriate; filaments basally slightly connate; anthers basifixed, broadly oblong, apex subrounded. Ovary inferior, 2-loculed; ovules numerous. Styles 2, erect or spreading; stigmas papillose or adaxially oblique. Fruit an apically poricidal capsule, obconical, 2-valved. Seeds numerous, small, winged at both ends.
One species: China, Japan.
(Authors: Wei Zhaofen (Wei Chao-fen); Bruce Bartholomew)