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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Hemionitidaceae

Pleurosoriopsis Fomin


Description from Flora of China

Plants small, epiphytic or epilithic. Rhizome slender, long creeping, with ca. 2 vascular bundles, densely covered by long rufous linear hairs and long and narrow linear scales at apex. Fronds distant; stipe straw-colored, slender, densely covered with hairs similar to those of rhizome, with 1 terete vascular bundle; lamina bipinnatifid, papery, both surfaces densely covered with brown nodose hairs, densely ciliate at margin; pinnules subligulate, entire or subentire, apex obtuse; veins free, with 1 veinlet per lobe, ending inframarginally. Sori linear-oblong, along veins; sporangia shortly stalked, annulus consisting of 14(-16) thick-walled cells; spores reniform, bilateral, transparent, smooth-surfaced, perispore thin.

One species: China, Japan, Korea, Russia.

(Authors: Xing Fuwu (邢福武), Wang Faguo (王发国); Masahiro Kato)

Lower Taxon


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