Description from
Flora of China
Herbs, terrestrial, small. Tubers subglobose, small. Stem erect, with 2 or 3 sheathing cataphylls at base and 1 cauline leaf. Leaf linear-lanceolate, base vaginate and sheathing stem, apex obtuse. Inflorescence terminal, ebracteate, racemose, 6-8-flowered; floral bracts broadly ovate, small, much shorter than ovary. Flowers resupinate, yellowish green to green. Dorsal sepal connivent with petals, erect, ovate, concave; lateral sepals spreading or deflexed, narrowly ovate, apex obtuse. Petals erect, obliquely ovate, apex obtuse; lip ligulate, entire, apex obtuse, dilated and with 2 glands at base, spurless. Column short; anther large, 2-locular, with narrow connective; pollinia 2; rostellum prominent; lateral lobes spreading; stigma simple, pulvinate, not adnate to rostellum.
In habit, Porolabium is similar to the genus Herminium (to which the sole species was referred initially), but it differs in its solitary leaf; its unlobed, ligulate, and spurless lip, which bears 2 depressions at its swollen base; its large rostellum; and its simple, cushionlike stigma. Further analysis of fresh material is required to better resolve generic affinities.
● One species: China.
(Authors: Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi); Stephan W. Gale, Phillip J. Cribb)