Description from
Flora of China
Herbs, perennial. Root long-conic, woody. Stem erect, branched, base clothed in stiff or fibrous remnant sheaths. Basal leaves caespitose, petiolate, sheathing at base; blade 3–4-pinnate; ultimate segments linear, entire. Leaves reduced upwards. Umbels compound, terminal or lateral; bracts several, linear or lanceolate; bracteoles similar to bracts. Calyx teeth obsolete. Petals white or yellow, ovate or elliptic, apex incurved. Stylopodium depressed, almost hidden in the apex of mature fruit; styles short, spreading. Fruit oblong to ellipsoid, somewhat dorsally compressed; ribs 5, dorsal ribs filiform, lateral ribs winged, or all ribs inconspicuous; mesocarp thick, corky; vittae numerous, small, encircling seed. Seed face inflexed into a deep T-shaped groove. Carpophore 2-parted.
Several conflicting taxonomies exist for Prangos and the related genera Cachrys Linnaeus, Cryptodiscus Schrenk, Hippomaranthum Link, and Neocryptodiscus Hedge & Lamond. The genus is treated here in the broad sense.
About 30 species: C and SW Asia, Mediterranean region; four species in China.
(Authors: Pan Zehui (潘泽惠); Mark F. Watson)