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Rostrinucula Kudo


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs, usually stellate tomentose throughout. Spikes terminal, elongated, pendulous or nodding, cylindric, of numerous, dense, 6-10-flowered verticillasters; bracts broadly triangular-ovate, glabrous inside, early deciduous; bracteoles narrowly elliptic to sublinear, early deciduous. Calyx campanulate, 10-veined, glabrous inside; teeth 5, subequal, anterior 2 wider. Corolla reddish to purple-red, 2-lipped, exserted part glandular, irregularly hairy annulate on a crescent protuberance just below base of anterior lobe inside and at base of filaments; tube exserted or nearly included; upper lip erect, margin entire; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe larger, concave-saccate; lateral lobes subequal to upper lip, or upper lip narrower and circular-ovate. Stamens 4, inserted at corolla throat, exserted, subequal or posterior 2 slightly longer; filaments glabrous; anthers subglobose, apex equally 2-cleft. Ovary brown, 4-lobed, stellate, glandular. Nutlets triquetrous, ellipsoid, brown, stellate tomentose, glandular; beak recurved or suberect.

Two species: endemic in China.

Lower Taxa


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