Description from
Flora of China
Herbs biennial or perennial. Stem erect, ascending or rarely decumbent, glabrous (Chinese species). Leaves petiolate, sheaths generally membranous, or subsessile; blade orbicular, round-cordate or cordate-pentagonal, palmately 3–5-parted and often lobed, margin serrate or doubly setose-serrate. Umbels simple or compound; peduncles racemous, cymous or corymbose-branched; bracts foliaceous, usually serrate; bracteoles small, entire, rarely lobed; umbellules with both sessile or subsessile, bisexual flowers and pedicellate, staminate flowers. Calyx teeth prominent, connate and persistent. Petals white, greenish white, pale yellow, purple or pale blue, spatulate or obovate with a narrowly inflexed apex. Stylopodium absent or discoid-flat; styles shorter than or exceeding the calyx teeth, recurved. Fruit long-ellipsoid or subglobose, densely covered with uncinate or straight bristles, or tubercles; ribs inconspicuous or slightly prominent; vittae distinct or obscure, irregularly arranged on the dorsal and lateral surfaces, usually 3 on commissure. Seed-face concave or sulcate. Carpophore absent.
About 40 species: predominately in temperate regions, some species in subtropical regions; 17 species (11 endemic) in China.
(Authors: She Menglan (佘孟兰 Sheh Meng-lan); Loy R. Phillippe)