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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Asclepiadaceae

Secamone R. Br.


Description from Flora of China

Lianas or scandent shrubs. Leaves opposite, often with translucent dots. Cymes terminal or axillary, forked, sessile or short pedunculate. Flowers small. Sepals ciliate at margin; basal glands usually absent. Corolla subrotate; tube short; lobes erect patent, overlapping to right. Corona usually double, outer lobes 5, reduced to longitudinal ridges below corolla lobe sinus; inner lobes 5, inserted on gynostegium, usually laterally compressed, straight or incurved. Filaments free or connate at base; anthers with short, incurved apical appendages; pollinia minute, 4 per pollinarium, erect, globose to ellipsoid, retinaculum minute, translator arm absent. Ovaries glabrous. Stigma head capitate or short conical. Follicles terete, smooth. Seeds ovate.

About 80 species: mostly in Africa, especially Madagascar (62 species), 2-7 species in tropical and subtropical Asia and Australia; six species in China.

Klackenberg (Kew Bull. 47: 595-612. 1992) included all six Chinese species in two subspecies of Secamone elliptica R. Brown: S. elliptica subsp. minutiflora (Woodson) Klackenberg for S. minutiflora and S. elliptica subsp. elliptica for the other five species.

Lower Taxa


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