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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Asteraceae

Tagetes Linn.


Description from Flora of China

Annual or perennial herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs. Stems erect, branched distally or throughout. Leaves cauline, mostly opposite (distal sometimes alternate), petiolate or sessile; blades mostly lanceolate to oblanceolate overall, usually pinnately 1-3-lobed or ‑pinnatisect, ultimate margin toothed or entire, both surfaces glabrous or hairy. Synflorescence of solitary capitula or of sometimes dense, many-headed corymbs. Capitula radiate or discoid; calyculus absent; involucres narrowly cylindric or fusiform to turbinate or broadly campanulate, 1-12+ mm in diam.; phyllaries persistent, 1- or 2-seriate (connate to 7/8+ their lengths, usually streaked and/or dotted with oil glands); receptacle convex to conical, smooth or finely pitted, epaleate. Ray florets female, fertile (except "double" cultivars); lamina yellow or orange, red-brown, or white. Disk florets bisexual, fertile; corollas greenish yellow to orange, sometimes tipped with red or red-brown, tubes much longer than or ± equaling funnelform throats, lobes 5, deltate to linear-lanceolate. Achenes narrowly obpyramidal or fusiform-terete, sometimes weakly flattened, glabrous or hairy; pappus persistent, of 2-5(-10) dissimilar, distinct or connate, 1-seriate scales: 0-5+ oblong to lanceolate, erose-truncate or laciniate, 0-2(-5) longer, subulate to aristate. x = 12.

About 40 species: tropical and warm-temperate America, especially Mexico; two species (both introduced) in China.

Lower Taxa


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