Xanthopappus C. Winkl.
Description from Flora of China
Herbs, perennial, stemless. Leaves all basal, rosulate, pinnatipartite, with spiny lobes. Capitula basal, large, shortly pedunculate, clustered in center of leaf rosette. Phyllaries ending in a straight or ± falcate keeled spine. Receptacle concave, covered with bristles. Corolla yellow. Stamen filaments glabrous; anther with long, subentire basal appendages. Style branches short, apex truncate. Achene (immature) narrowly obovoid, inconspicuously striate but otherwise smooth; apical rim forming an entire conspicuous crown; apical plate with shortly cylindric cup-shaped disk surmounted by a cylindric hardened style base. Pappus of ca. 5 rows of scabrid bristles of almost equal length.
● One species: China.
(Authors: Shi Zhu (石铸 Shih Chu); Werner Greuter)
Lower Taxon
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