Description from
Flora of China
Angiopteris badia Ching; A. evecta (G. Forster) Hoffmann var. alata Christ; A. pingpienensis Ching.
Fronds 2-5 m; stipes with deep groove on upper surface; rachises with narrow wings. Laminae bipinnate; pinnae 60-80 × 20-25 cm, with 15-30 pairs of pinnules; pinnules 7-20 × 1.5-3.5 cm, bases cordate, truncate, or rounded, margins shallowly serrate, apices long acuminate or caudate. Veins obvious, false veins obvious (and longer than sori) or absent. Sori close to margin, composed of 13-15 sporangia. Spores spherical or near spheroidal, trilete, one fissure of spore long, other two fissures short.
This species belongs to the unresolved complex surrounding the morphologically diverse Angiopteris evecta. Further studies are needed to unravel this complex.
Forests, often on limestone soil; 100-1200 m. Guangxi, Yunnan [N Vietnam].