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Hypolepis tenuifolia (Forst.) Bernh.


Description from Flora of China

Lonchitis tenuifolia G. Forster, Fl. Ins. Austr. 80. 1786; Cheilanthes arborescens Swartz; Hypolepis gigantea Ching; H. nausoriensis Brownlie; H. neocaledonica Rosenstock; Phegopteris tenuifolia (G. Forster) Keyserling.

Rhizome 3-10(-13) mm in diam., young parts with dense pale brown hairs, older parts with sparser red-brown hairs. Stipe dark chestnut-brown to almost black, 35-150 cm, 3-15(-20) mm in diam., very base with long, red-brown hairs, upper stipe with colorless, glandular and eglandular hairs, to 5 mm on uncoiling fronds, slightly rough, both sides with narrow wing ca. 1 mm wide; rachis yellow-brown at base, green adaxially, hairs colorless, glandular or eglandular, to 2 mm; lamina 4- or 5-pinnate, broadly ovate to triangular-ovate or broadly elliptic in outline, 25-150 × 28-140 cm, both surfaces with dense, fine, colorless, glandular and eglandular hairs to 1 mm on midribs and veins; pinnae 10-30 pairs, opposite or subopposite, largest at or near base, ± ovate, 16-90 × 11-50 cm; pinnules ovate, 7-30 × 3.5-15 cm, those on lower pinnae reduced markedly in length along pinna, ultimate pinnules narrowly ovate, 5-20 × 2-8 mm. Sori circular or ovate, without hairs between sporangia, protected by well-developed reflexed membranous flaps. n = 52.

Shrubs on wet hillsides, forests; below 100-1600 m. Hainan (Lingshui), Taiwan [Indonesia, New Guinea, Philippines; Australia, Pacific islands (including Pitcairn Islands)].


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