Description from
Flora of China
Caudex unknown. Stem twining, apically branched, retrorse pubescent or becoming glabrous. Distal leaves slightly long petiolate; petiole 2.5--6 cm, sparsely retrorse pubescent or nearly glabrous; leaf blade pentagonal, 6.8--10 × 9--11 cm, herbaceous, both surfaces nearly glabrous or adaxially sparsely pubescent, 3-sect; segments long stipitate, slender; central segment lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, margin densely triangular-dentate, apex acuminate; lateral segments shortly stipitate or sessile, unequally 2-parted usually to base. Inflorescence 3--6-flowered; rachis and pedicels spreading puberulent; bracts linear, small. Pedicels 1.5--3.2 cm, proximally with 2 bracteoles; bracteoles subulate, 2--3 mm. Sepals greenish purple, abaxially pubescent; lower sepals 1--1.1 cm; lateral sepals 1.4--1.6 cm; upper sepal high galeate, 2.1--2.3 cm high, shortly beaked, lower margin slightly concave, 1.4--1.6 cm. Petals glabrous; lip ca. 1.5 mm; spur incurved, ca. 3.5 mm. Stamens glabrous; filaments entire. Carpels 3, sparsely pubescent. Follicles erect, ca. 1.5 cm. Seeds ca. 3.5 mm. Fl. Aug--Sep.
* Forests, by streams; 1300--2000 m. W Hubei, S Shaanxi, NE Sichuan.