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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Crassulaceae | Sedum

Sedum chauveaudii Hamet


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, glabrous. Sterile stems 3-6 cm. Flowering stems ascending, ± stout or slender, 8-18 cm; basal nodes with adventitious roots. Leaves 3-verticillate or alternate, subsessile; leaf blade adaxially brown spotted, spatulate, 0.8-2.2 cm × 3-5 mm, adaxially papillate, basal spur obtuse or slightly 2-cleft, apex obtuse. Cyme corymbiform, lax, many flowered; bracts leaflike. Flowers shortly pedicellate, unequally 5-merous. Sepals adaxially rust-colored spotted, linear-spatulate, unequal, 4.5-6.5 mm, adaxially mammilliform, basal spur broad and obtuse, apex rounded to obtuse. Petals yellow, lanceolate to oblong, 8-10 mm, base connate for ca. 1.5 mm, apex shortly mucronate. Stamens 10; antepetalous ones ca. 4.5 mm, inserted 2-3 mm from petal base. Nectar scales quadrangular to oblong, apically slightly widened, 0.5-0.6 mm. Carpels basally connate for ca. 1.5 mm, adaxially slightly gibbous or not. Styles long. Follicles oblong, ca. 7.5 mm, many seeded. Seeds ovoid, ca. 0.8 mm, basally papillate. Fl. Aug-Nov, fr. Oct-Dec.

Rocks in mixed and Picea forests, shady moist ravine banks, valleys near water, and on sunny slopes, rock crevices in alpine zone, edges of rocky slopes; 1700-3800 m. NW Guizhou, SW Sichuan, E Yunnan [Nepal].


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