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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Saxifragaceae | Saxifraga

Saxifraga prattii Engl. et Irmsch.


Description from Flora of China

Herbs perennial, sparsely cespitose, 2.5-6 cm tall. Shoots subterranean, creeping, short, slender; cataphylls obovate, 1-1.5 mm. Sterile branches 1.5-2.5 cm; cataphylls remote, obovate to oblong-obovate, 1-2 mm; terminal leaves aggregated into a rosette, shortly spatulate, margin ciliate. Flowering stem glabrous or glandular hairy distally. Proximal cauline leaves smaller than distal ones, margin ciliate, apex reflexed; distal leaves spatulate, 2-5 × 1.2-1.7 mm, apex obtuse or acute. Cyme 2-flowered or flower solitary; pedicels 2-2.5 cm, glabrous or black glandular hairy. Sepals spreading to reflexed, broadly ovate, 1.5-2 mm, glabrous or abaxially and marginally ± glandular hairy, veins 3-7, confluent into a verruca at apex, apex rounded. Petals yellow, obovate or ovate, 6-7 × 3-4 mm, 5-8-veined, base cuneate or with a claw ca. 0.2 mm, apex subacute. Stamens 3-4.5 mm. Ovary subsuperior, ovoid; styles short. Fl. Jul-Aug.

* Subalpine and alpine regions, rock crevices on slopes; 2500-5300 m. W Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan.


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