Description from
Flora of China
Hamamelis mollis var. oblongifolia M. P. Deng & K. Yao.
Shrubs or small trees to 8 m tall; young branches stellately tomentose, glabrescent; buds narrowly ovoid, gray-yellow tomentose. Petiole 6–10 mm, tomentose; leaf blade broadly obovate-rounded or oblong, 8–15 × 6–10 cm, abaxially densely stellately tomentose with gray hairs, adaxially subscabrous, sparsely stellately pubescent, base cordate, asymmetrical, margin sinuate-dentate, apex acute; lateral veins 6–8 on each side, abaxially prominent, basal 2 lateral veins with tertiary veins. Inflorescence peduncle ca. 5 mm. Sepals ca. 3 mm, sometimes brown adaxially, persistent. Petals yellow, ca. 1.5 cm; filaments ca. 2 mm; anthers nearly equal to filaments; staminode apex truncate. Ovary tomentose; styles 1–1.5 mm. Capsules ovoid-globose, ca. 1.2 × 1 cm, densely stellately tomentose with yellow-brown hairs; persistent floral cup ca. 1/3 as long as capsules. Seeds ca. 8 mm. Fl. Apr–May, fr. Jun–Aug.
Thickets, forests; 300--800 m. Anhui, Guangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang.