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Chinese Plant Names | Family List | Hamamelidaceae | Sycopsis

Sycopsis triplinervia Chang


Description from Flora of China

Shrubs; young branches stellately tomentose, older growth lepidote, glabrescent. Petiole 6–13 mm, stellately pubescent; leaf blade oblong or obovate-oblong, 5–14 × 2–6 cm, discolorous, abaxially sparsely stellately pubescent, adaxially shiny and stellately pubescent along veins, base rounded, margin entire or occasionally 1–3-toothed, apex acute; lateral veins 2 or 3 on each side, distal leaf blades 3-veined at base. Inflorescences ca. 1.5 cm; 10–12-flowered, peduncle 3–5 mm, 0.8–1 cm in fruit. Male and bisexual flowers sessile. Floral cup 1.2–1.5 mm, lepidote. Sepals ovate, as long as floral cup. Stamens 8–10; anthers 2–3 mm, connective produced. Styles 1.2–1.5 mm, pubescent. Capsules 10–12 mm, tomentose and villous; persistent floral cup 1.8–2 mm, lepidote; persistent styles 3–4 mm. Seeds ca. 6 mm. Fl. Apr–Jun, fr. Jun–Sep.

It is uncertain whether this species belongs to the genus Sycopsis. Further study is needed.

Forests; 800--1000 m. Sichuan, NE Yunnan (Daguan Xian, Yiliang Xian).


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