Description from
Flora of China
Herbs perennial. Roots terete. Flowering stems erect or ascending, 15–30 cm tall, sparsely pilose or glabrescent. Radical leaves 5–15 cm including petiole; stipules brown, membranous, abaxially pilose; petiole sparsely pilose, sometimes sparsely glandular hairy; leaf blade 3-foliolate; leaflets adaxially green, broadly obovate or rhombic-elliptic, 1.5–4.5 × 1–3 cm, abaxially initially canescent tomentose, later glabrescent, villous and glandular along midvein, adaxially pilose and glandular, base broadly cuneate or subrounded, margin obtusely 3–6-incised serrate or lobed, apex obtuse; cauline leaves: stipules brown, ovate, herbaceous, abaxially pilose and glandular, margin entire or apex 2-fid; leaflets resembling those of radical leaves. Inflorescence laxly corymbose-cymose. Flowers ca. 1.5 cm in diam.; pedicel 1.5–2.5 cm, pilose and glandular hairy. Sepals ovate-oblong or triangular-lanceolate, apex obtuse or acute; epicalyx segments linear-lanceolate, abaxially pilose and glandular, apex obtuse. Petals yellow, obovate, apex emarginate. Style subterminal, base thickened; stigma slightly dilated. Achenes sparsely rugose. Fl. and fr. Jun–Sep.
Stream sides, alpine rock crevices; 2000--2600 m. Xinjiang [Mongolia, Russia (Siberia); C Asia].