Description from
Flora of China
Rosa calva (Franchet & Savatier) Boulenger var. cathayensis (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) Boulenger; R. cathayensis (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) L. H. Bailey; R. gentiliana H. Léveillé & Vaniot; R. kwangsiensis H. L. Li; R. macrophylla Lindley var. hypoleuca H. Léveillé; R. multiflora var. gentiliana (H. Léveillé & Vaniot) T. T. Yü & H. T. Tsai.
Flowers to 4 cm in diam. Petals pink. 2n = 14*, 28*.
The root, which contains 23–25% tannin, is used for tanning. The fresh flowers, from which essential oils can be extracted, are used in the cosmetic industry. The roots, leaves, flowers, and seeds are all used medicinally.
Thickets, scrub, slopes, river sides; 300--2000 m. Anhui, Fujian, S Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, S Hebei, Henan, Hunan, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, S Shandong, Zhejiang.